ETH Price: $2,945.06 (-2.07%)
Gas: 3 Gwei




ETH Balance


Eth Value


Multichain Info

No addresses found
Transaction Hash
0x61227c61158904362022-11-03 15:38:23560 days ago1667489903IN
 Create: SystemSettingsLib
0 ETH0.0476321424.31178811

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Contract Source Code (Solidity)

 *Submitted for verification at on 2022-11-03

   ____            __   __        __   _
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 _\ \ / // // _ \/ __// _ \/ -_)/ __// / \ \ /
/___/ \_, //_//_/\__//_//_/\__/ \__//_/ /_\_\

* Synthetix: SystemSettingsLib.sol
* Latest source (may be newer):
* Docs:
* Contract Dependencies: (none)
* Libraries: 
*	- SafeDecimalMath
*	- SafeMath
*	- SystemSettingsLib
* MIT License
* ===========
* Copyright (c) 2022 Synthetix
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.

pragma solidity >=0.4.24;

interface IFlexibleStorage {
    // Views
    function getUIntValue(bytes32 contractName, bytes32 record) external view returns (uint);

    function getUIntValues(bytes32 contractName, bytes32[] calldata records) external view returns (uint[] memory);

    function getIntValue(bytes32 contractName, bytes32 record) external view returns (int);

    function getIntValues(bytes32 contractName, bytes32[] calldata records) external view returns (int[] memory);

    function getAddressValue(bytes32 contractName, bytes32 record) external view returns (address);

    function getAddressValues(bytes32 contractName, bytes32[] calldata records) external view returns (address[] memory);

    function getBoolValue(bytes32 contractName, bytes32 record) external view returns (bool);

    function getBoolValues(bytes32 contractName, bytes32[] calldata records) external view returns (bool[] memory);

    function getBytes32Value(bytes32 contractName, bytes32 record) external view returns (bytes32);

    function getBytes32Values(bytes32 contractName, bytes32[] calldata records) external view returns (bytes32[] memory);

    // Mutative functions
    function deleteUIntValue(bytes32 contractName, bytes32 record) external;

    function deleteIntValue(bytes32 contractName, bytes32 record) external;

    function deleteAddressValue(bytes32 contractName, bytes32 record) external;

    function deleteBoolValue(bytes32 contractName, bytes32 record) external;

    function deleteBytes32Value(bytes32 contractName, bytes32 record) external;

    function setUIntValue(
        bytes32 contractName,
        bytes32 record,
        uint value
    ) external;

    function setUIntValues(
        bytes32 contractName,
        bytes32[] calldata records,
        uint[] calldata values
    ) external;

    function setIntValue(
        bytes32 contractName,
        bytes32 record,
        int value
    ) external;

    function setIntValues(
        bytes32 contractName,
        bytes32[] calldata records,
        int[] calldata values
    ) external;

    function setAddressValue(
        bytes32 contractName,
        bytes32 record,
        address value
    ) external;

    function setAddressValues(
        bytes32 contractName,
        bytes32[] calldata records,
        address[] calldata values
    ) external;

    function setBoolValue(
        bytes32 contractName,
        bytes32 record,
        bool value
    ) external;

    function setBoolValues(
        bytes32 contractName,
        bytes32[] calldata records,
        bool[] calldata values
    ) external;

    function setBytes32Value(
        bytes32 contractName,
        bytes32 record,
        bytes32 value
    ) external;

    function setBytes32Values(
        bytes32 contractName,
        bytes32[] calldata records,
        bytes32[] calldata values
    ) external;

 * @dev Wrappers over Solidity's arithmetic operations with added overflow
 * checks.
 * Arithmetic operations in Solidity wrap on overflow. This can easily result
 * in bugs, because programmers usually assume that an overflow raises an
 * error, which is the standard behavior in high level programming languages.
 * `SafeMath` restores this intuition by reverting the transaction when an
 * operation overflows.
 * Using this library instead of the unchecked operations eliminates an entire
 * class of bugs, so it's recommended to use it always.
library SafeMath {
     * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on
     * overflow.
     * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator.
     * Requirements:
     * - Addition cannot overflow.
    function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        uint256 c = a + b;
        require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow");

        return c;

     * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on
     * overflow (when the result is negative).
     * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator.
     * Requirements:
     * - Subtraction cannot overflow.
    function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        require(b <= a, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow");
        uint256 c = a - b;

        return c;

     * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on
     * overflow.
     * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator.
     * Requirements:
     * - Multiplication cannot overflow.
    function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the
        // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested.
        // See:
        if (a == 0) {
            return 0;

        uint256 c = a * b;
        require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow");

        return c;

     * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on
     * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero.
     * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a
     * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity
     * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas).
     * Requirements:
     * - The divisor cannot be zero.
    function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        // Solidity only automatically asserts when dividing by 0
        require(b > 0, "SafeMath: division by zero");
        uint256 c = a / b;
        // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold

        return c;

     * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo),
     * Reverts when dividing by zero.
     * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert`
     * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an
     * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas).
     * Requirements:
     * - The divisor cannot be zero.
    function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        require(b != 0, "SafeMath: modulo by zero");
        return a % b;

// Libraries

library SafeDecimalMath {
    using SafeMath for uint;

    /* Number of decimal places in the representations. */
    uint8 public constant decimals = 18;
    uint8 public constant highPrecisionDecimals = 27;

    /* The number representing 1.0. */
    uint public constant UNIT = 10**uint(decimals);

    /* The number representing 1.0 for higher fidelity numbers. */
    uint public constant PRECISE_UNIT = 10**uint(highPrecisionDecimals);
    uint private constant UNIT_TO_HIGH_PRECISION_CONVERSION_FACTOR = 10**uint(highPrecisionDecimals - decimals);

     * @return Provides an interface to UNIT.
    function unit() external pure returns (uint) {
        return UNIT;

     * @return Provides an interface to PRECISE_UNIT.
    function preciseUnit() external pure returns (uint) {
        return PRECISE_UNIT;

     * @return The result of multiplying x and y, interpreting the operands as fixed-point
     * decimals.
     * @dev A unit factor is divided out after the product of x and y is evaluated,
     * so that product must be less than 2**256. As this is an integer division,
     * the internal division always rounds down. This helps save on gas. Rounding
     * is more expensive on gas.
    function multiplyDecimal(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint) {
        /* Divide by UNIT to remove the extra factor introduced by the product. */
        return x.mul(y) / UNIT;

     * @return The result of safely multiplying x and y, interpreting the operands
     * as fixed-point decimals of the specified precision unit.
     * @dev The operands should be in the form of a the specified unit factor which will be
     * divided out after the product of x and y is evaluated, so that product must be
     * less than 2**256.
     * Unlike multiplyDecimal, this function rounds the result to the nearest increment.
     * Rounding is useful when you need to retain fidelity for small decimal numbers
     * (eg. small fractions or percentages).
    function _multiplyDecimalRound(
        uint x,
        uint y,
        uint precisionUnit
    ) private pure returns (uint) {
        /* Divide by UNIT to remove the extra factor introduced by the product. */
        uint quotientTimesTen = x.mul(y) / (precisionUnit / 10);

        if (quotientTimesTen % 10 >= 5) {
            quotientTimesTen += 10;

        return quotientTimesTen / 10;

     * @return The result of safely multiplying x and y, interpreting the operands
     * as fixed-point decimals of a precise unit.
     * @dev The operands should be in the precise unit factor which will be
     * divided out after the product of x and y is evaluated, so that product must be
     * less than 2**256.
     * Unlike multiplyDecimal, this function rounds the result to the nearest increment.
     * Rounding is useful when you need to retain fidelity for small decimal numbers
     * (eg. small fractions or percentages).
    function multiplyDecimalRoundPrecise(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint) {
        return _multiplyDecimalRound(x, y, PRECISE_UNIT);

     * @return The result of safely multiplying x and y, interpreting the operands
     * as fixed-point decimals of a standard unit.
     * @dev The operands should be in the standard unit factor which will be
     * divided out after the product of x and y is evaluated, so that product must be
     * less than 2**256.
     * Unlike multiplyDecimal, this function rounds the result to the nearest increment.
     * Rounding is useful when you need to retain fidelity for small decimal numbers
     * (eg. small fractions or percentages).
    function multiplyDecimalRound(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint) {
        return _multiplyDecimalRound(x, y, UNIT);

     * @return The result of safely dividing x and y. The return value is a high
     * precision decimal.
     * @dev y is divided after the product of x and the standard precision unit
     * is evaluated, so the product of x and UNIT must be less than 2**256. As
     * this is an integer division, the result is always rounded down.
     * This helps save on gas. Rounding is more expensive on gas.
    function divideDecimal(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint) {
        /* Reintroduce the UNIT factor that will be divided out by y. */
        return x.mul(UNIT).div(y);

     * @return The result of safely dividing x and y. The return value is as a rounded
     * decimal in the precision unit specified in the parameter.
     * @dev y is divided after the product of x and the specified precision unit
     * is evaluated, so the product of x and the specified precision unit must
     * be less than 2**256. The result is rounded to the nearest increment.
    function _divideDecimalRound(
        uint x,
        uint y,
        uint precisionUnit
    ) private pure returns (uint) {
        uint resultTimesTen = x.mul(precisionUnit * 10).div(y);

        if (resultTimesTen % 10 >= 5) {
            resultTimesTen += 10;

        return resultTimesTen / 10;

     * @return The result of safely dividing x and y. The return value is as a rounded
     * standard precision decimal.
     * @dev y is divided after the product of x and the standard precision unit
     * is evaluated, so the product of x and the standard precision unit must
     * be less than 2**256. The result is rounded to the nearest increment.
    function divideDecimalRound(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint) {
        return _divideDecimalRound(x, y, UNIT);

     * @return The result of safely dividing x and y. The return value is as a rounded
     * high precision decimal.
     * @dev y is divided after the product of x and the high precision unit
     * is evaluated, so the product of x and the high precision unit must
     * be less than 2**256. The result is rounded to the nearest increment.
    function divideDecimalRoundPrecise(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint) {
        return _divideDecimalRound(x, y, PRECISE_UNIT);

     * @dev Convert a standard decimal representation to a high precision one.
    function decimalToPreciseDecimal(uint i) internal pure returns (uint) {

     * @dev Convert a high precision decimal to a standard decimal representation.
    function preciseDecimalToDecimal(uint i) internal pure returns (uint) {
        uint quotientTimesTen = i / (UNIT_TO_HIGH_PRECISION_CONVERSION_FACTOR / 10);

        if (quotientTimesTen % 10 >= 5) {
            quotientTimesTen += 10;

        return quotientTimesTen / 10;

    // Computes `a - b`, setting the value to 0 if b > a.
    function floorsub(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (uint) {
        return b >= a ? 0 : a - b;

    /* ---------- Utilities ---------- */
     * Absolute value of the input, returned as a signed number.
    function signedAbs(int x) internal pure returns (int) {
        return x < 0 ? -x : x;

     * Absolute value of the input, returned as an unsigned number.
    function abs(int x) internal pure returns (uint) {
        return uint(signedAbs(x));

// Internal references

// Libraries

/// This library is to reduce SystemSettings contract size only and is not really
/// a proper library - so it shares knowledge of implementation details
/// Some of the setters were refactored into this library, and some setters remain in the
/// contract itself (SystemSettings)
library SystemSettingsLib {
    using SafeMath for uint;
    using SafeDecimalMath for uint;

    bytes32 public constant SETTINGS_CONTRACT_NAME = "SystemSettings";

    // No more synths may be issued than the value of SNX backing them.
    uint public constant MAX_ISSUANCE_RATIO = 1e18;

    // The fee period must be between 1 day and 60 days.
    uint public constant MIN_FEE_PERIOD_DURATION = 1 days;
    uint public constant MAX_FEE_PERIOD_DURATION = 60 days;

    uint public constant MAX_TARGET_THRESHOLD = 50;

    uint public constant MAX_LIQUIDATION_RATIO = 1e18; // 100% issuance ratio
    uint public constant RATIO_FROM_TARGET_BUFFER = 2e18; // 200% - mininimum buffer between issuance ratio and liquidation ratio

    uint public constant MAX_LIQUIDATION_PENALTY = 9e18 / 10; // Max 90% liquidation penalty / bonus

    uint public constant MAX_LIQUIDATION_DELAY = 3 days;
    uint public constant MIN_LIQUIDATION_DELAY = 300; // 5 min

    // Exchange fee may not exceed 10%.
    uint public constant MAX_EXCHANGE_FEE_RATE = 1e18 / 10;

    // Minimum Stake time may not exceed 1 weeks.
    uint public constant MAX_MINIMUM_STAKE_TIME = 1 weeks;

    uint public constant MAX_CROSS_DOMAIN_GAS_LIMIT = 12e6;
    uint public constant MIN_CROSS_DOMAIN_GAS_LIMIT = 3e6;

    int public constant MAX_WRAPPER_MINT_FEE_RATE = 1e18;

    int public constant MAX_WRAPPER_BURN_FEE_RATE = 1e18;

    // Atomic block volume limit is encoded as uint192.
    uint public constant MAX_ATOMIC_VOLUME_PER_BLOCK = uint192(-1);

    // TWAP window must be between 1 min and 1 day.
    uint public constant MIN_ATOMIC_TWAP_WINDOW = 60;
    uint public constant MAX_ATOMIC_TWAP_WINDOW = 86400;

    // Volatility consideration window must be between 1 min and 1 day.
    uint public constant MAX_ATOMIC_VOLATILITY_CONSIDERATION_WINDOW = 86400;

    // workaround for library not supporting public constants in sol v0.5
    function contractName() external view returns (bytes32) {

    function setCrossDomainMessageGasLimit(
        IFlexibleStorage flexibleStorage,
        bytes32 gasLimitSettings,
        uint crossDomainMessageGasLimit
    ) external {
            crossDomainMessageGasLimit >= MIN_CROSS_DOMAIN_GAS_LIMIT &&
                crossDomainMessageGasLimit <= MAX_CROSS_DOMAIN_GAS_LIMIT,
            "Out of range xDomain gasLimit"
        flexibleStorage.setUIntValue(SETTINGS_CONTRACT_NAME, gasLimitSettings, crossDomainMessageGasLimit);

    function setIssuanceRatio(
        IFlexibleStorage flexibleStorage,
        bytes32 settingName,
        uint ratio
    ) external {
        require(ratio <= MAX_ISSUANCE_RATIO, "New issuance ratio cannot exceed MAX_ISSUANCE_RATIO");
        flexibleStorage.setUIntValue(SETTINGS_CONTRACT_NAME, settingName, ratio);

    function setTradingRewardsEnabled(
        IFlexibleStorage flexibleStorage,
        bytes32 settingName,
        bool _tradingRewardsEnabled
    ) external {
        flexibleStorage.setBoolValue(SETTINGS_CONTRACT_NAME, settingName, _tradingRewardsEnabled);

    function setWaitingPeriodSecs(
        IFlexibleStorage flexibleStorage,
        bytes32 settingName,
        uint _waitingPeriodSecs
    ) external {
        flexibleStorage.setUIntValue(SETTINGS_CONTRACT_NAME, settingName, _waitingPeriodSecs);

    function setPriceDeviationThresholdFactor(
        IFlexibleStorage flexibleStorage,
        bytes32 settingName,
        uint _priceDeviationThresholdFactor
    ) external {
        flexibleStorage.setUIntValue(SETTINGS_CONTRACT_NAME, settingName, _priceDeviationThresholdFactor);

    function setFeePeriodDuration(
        IFlexibleStorage flexibleStorage,
        bytes32 settingName,
        uint _feePeriodDuration
    ) external {
        require(_feePeriodDuration >= MIN_FEE_PERIOD_DURATION, "value < MIN_FEE_PERIOD_DURATION");
        require(_feePeriodDuration <= MAX_FEE_PERIOD_DURATION, "value > MAX_FEE_PERIOD_DURATION");

        flexibleStorage.setUIntValue(SETTINGS_CONTRACT_NAME, settingName, _feePeriodDuration);

    function setTargetThreshold(
        IFlexibleStorage flexibleStorage,
        bytes32 settingName,
        uint percent
    ) external returns (uint threshold) {
        require(percent <= MAX_TARGET_THRESHOLD, "Threshold too high");
        threshold = percent.mul(SafeDecimalMath.unit()).div(100);

        flexibleStorage.setUIntValue(SETTINGS_CONTRACT_NAME, settingName, threshold);

    function setLiquidationDelay(
        IFlexibleStorage flexibleStorage,
        bytes32 settingName,
        uint time
    ) external {
        require(time <= MAX_LIQUIDATION_DELAY, "Must be less than MAX_LIQUIDATION_DELAY");
        require(time >= MIN_LIQUIDATION_DELAY, "Must be greater than MIN_LIQUIDATION_DELAY");

        flexibleStorage.setUIntValue(SETTINGS_CONTRACT_NAME, settingName, time);

    function setLiquidationRatio(
        IFlexibleStorage flexibleStorage,
        bytes32 settingName,
        uint _liquidationRatio,
        uint getSnxLiquidationPenalty,
        uint getIssuanceRatio
    ) external {
            _liquidationRatio <= MAX_LIQUIDATION_RATIO.divideDecimal(SafeDecimalMath.unit().add(getSnxLiquidationPenalty)),
            "liquidationRatio > MAX_LIQUIDATION_RATIO / (1 + penalty)"

        // MIN_LIQUIDATION_RATIO is a product of target issuance ratio * RATIO_FROM_TARGET_BUFFER
        // Ensures that liquidation ratio is set so that there is a buffer between the issuance ratio and liquidation ratio.
        uint MIN_LIQUIDATION_RATIO = getIssuanceRatio.multiplyDecimal(RATIO_FROM_TARGET_BUFFER);
        require(_liquidationRatio >= MIN_LIQUIDATION_RATIO, "liquidationRatio < MIN_LIQUIDATION_RATIO");

        flexibleStorage.setUIntValue(SETTINGS_CONTRACT_NAME, settingName, _liquidationRatio);

    function setLiquidationEscrowDuration(
        IFlexibleStorage flexibleStorage,
        bytes32 settingName,
        uint duration
    ) external {
        flexibleStorage.setUIntValue(SETTINGS_CONTRACT_NAME, settingName, duration);

    function setSnxLiquidationPenalty(
        IFlexibleStorage flexibleStorage,
        bytes32 settingName,
        uint penalty
    ) external {
        // MAX_LIQUIDATION_PENALTY is enforced on both Collateral and SNX liquidations
        require(penalty <= MAX_LIQUIDATION_PENALTY, "penalty > MAX_LIQUIDATION_PENALTY");

        flexibleStorage.setUIntValue(SETTINGS_CONTRACT_NAME, settingName, penalty);

    function setSelfLiquidationPenalty(
        IFlexibleStorage flexibleStorage,
        bytes32 settingName,
        uint penalty
    ) external {
        require(penalty <= MAX_LIQUIDATION_PENALTY, "penalty > MAX_LIQUIDATION_PENALTY");

        flexibleStorage.setUIntValue(SETTINGS_CONTRACT_NAME, settingName, penalty);

    function setLiquidationPenalty(
        IFlexibleStorage flexibleStorage,
        bytes32 settingName,
        uint penalty
    ) external {
        require(penalty <= MAX_LIQUIDATION_PENALTY, "penalty > MAX_LIQUIDATION_PENALTY");

        flexibleStorage.setUIntValue(SETTINGS_CONTRACT_NAME, settingName, penalty);

    function setFlagReward(
        IFlexibleStorage flexibleStorage,
        bytes32 settingName,
        uint reward
    ) external {
        flexibleStorage.setUIntValue(SETTINGS_CONTRACT_NAME, settingName, reward);

    function setLiquidateReward(
        IFlexibleStorage flexibleStorage,
        bytes32 settingName,
        uint reward
    ) external {
        flexibleStorage.setUIntValue(SETTINGS_CONTRACT_NAME, settingName, reward);

    function setRateStalePeriod(
        IFlexibleStorage flexibleStorage,
        bytes32 settingName,
        uint period
    ) external {
        flexibleStorage.setUIntValue(SETTINGS_CONTRACT_NAME, settingName, period);

    function setExchangeFeeRateForSynths(
        IFlexibleStorage flexibleStorage,
        bytes32 settingExchangeFeeRate,
        bytes32[] calldata synthKeys,
        uint256[] calldata exchangeFeeRates
    ) external {
        require(synthKeys.length == exchangeFeeRates.length, "Array lengths dont match");
        for (uint i = 0; i < synthKeys.length; i++) {
            require(exchangeFeeRates[i] <= MAX_EXCHANGE_FEE_RATE, "MAX_EXCHANGE_FEE_RATE exceeded");
                keccak256(abi.encodePacked(settingExchangeFeeRate, synthKeys[i])),

    function setMinimumStakeTime(
        IFlexibleStorage flexibleStorage,
        bytes32 settingName,
        uint _seconds
    ) external {
        require(_seconds <= MAX_MINIMUM_STAKE_TIME, "stake time exceed maximum 1 week");
        flexibleStorage.setUIntValue(SETTINGS_CONTRACT_NAME, settingName, _seconds);

    function setDebtSnapshotStaleTime(
        IFlexibleStorage flexibleStorage,
        bytes32 settingName,
        uint _seconds
    ) external {
        flexibleStorage.setUIntValue(SETTINGS_CONTRACT_NAME, settingName, _seconds);

    function setAggregatorWarningFlags(
        IFlexibleStorage flexibleStorage,
        bytes32 settingName,
        address _flags
    ) external {
        require(_flags != address(0), "Valid address must be given");
        flexibleStorage.setAddressValue(SETTINGS_CONTRACT_NAME, settingName, _flags);

    function setEtherWrapperMaxETH(
        IFlexibleStorage flexibleStorage,
        bytes32 settingName,
        uint _maxETH
    ) external {
        flexibleStorage.setUIntValue(SETTINGS_CONTRACT_NAME, settingName, _maxETH);

    function setEtherWrapperMintFeeRate(
        IFlexibleStorage flexibleStorage,
        bytes32 settingName,
        uint _rate
    ) external {
        require(_rate <= uint(MAX_WRAPPER_MINT_FEE_RATE), "rate > MAX_WRAPPER_MINT_FEE_RATE");
        flexibleStorage.setUIntValue(SETTINGS_CONTRACT_NAME, settingName, _rate);

    function setEtherWrapperBurnFeeRate(
        IFlexibleStorage flexibleStorage,
        bytes32 settingName,
        uint _rate
    ) external {
        require(_rate <= uint(MAX_WRAPPER_BURN_FEE_RATE), "rate > MAX_WRAPPER_BURN_FEE_RATE");
        flexibleStorage.setUIntValue(SETTINGS_CONTRACT_NAME, settingName, _rate);

    function setWrapperMaxTokenAmount(
        IFlexibleStorage flexibleStorage,
        bytes32 settingName,
        address _wrapper,
        uint _maxTokenAmount
    ) external {
            keccak256(abi.encodePacked(settingName, _wrapper)),

    function setWrapperMintFeeRate(
        IFlexibleStorage flexibleStorage,
        bytes32 settingName,
        address _wrapper,
        int _rate,
        int getWrapperBurnFeeRate
    ) external {
        require(_rate <= MAX_WRAPPER_MINT_FEE_RATE, "rate > MAX_WRAPPER_MINT_FEE_RATE");
        require(_rate >= -MAX_WRAPPER_MINT_FEE_RATE, "rate < -MAX_WRAPPER_MINT_FEE_RATE");

        // if mint rate is negative, burn fee rate should be positive and at least equal in magnitude
        // otherwise risk of flash loan attack
        if (_rate < 0) {
            require(-_rate <= getWrapperBurnFeeRate, "-rate > wrapperBurnFeeRate");

        flexibleStorage.setIntValue(SETTINGS_CONTRACT_NAME, keccak256(abi.encodePacked(settingName, _wrapper)), _rate);

    function setWrapperBurnFeeRate(
        IFlexibleStorage flexibleStorage,
        bytes32 settingName,
        address _wrapper,
        int _rate,
        int getWrapperMintFeeRate
    ) external {
        require(_rate <= MAX_WRAPPER_BURN_FEE_RATE, "rate > MAX_WRAPPER_BURN_FEE_RATE");
        require(_rate >= -MAX_WRAPPER_BURN_FEE_RATE, "rate < -MAX_WRAPPER_BURN_FEE_RATE");

        // if burn rate is negative, burn fee rate should be negative and at least equal in magnitude
        // otherwise risk of flash loan attack
        if (_rate < 0) {
            require(-_rate <= getWrapperMintFeeRate, "-rate > wrapperMintFeeRate");

        flexibleStorage.setIntValue(SETTINGS_CONTRACT_NAME, keccak256(abi.encodePacked(settingName, _wrapper)), _rate);

    function setInteractionDelay(
        IFlexibleStorage flexibleStorage,
        bytes32 settingName,
        address _collateral,
        uint _interactionDelay
    ) external {
        require(_interactionDelay <= SafeDecimalMath.unit() * 3600, "Max 1 hour");
            keccak256(abi.encodePacked(settingName, _collateral)),

    function setCollapseFeeRate(
        IFlexibleStorage flexibleStorage,
        bytes32 settingName,
        address _collateral,
        uint _collapseFeeRate
    ) external {
            keccak256(abi.encodePacked(settingName, _collateral)),

    function setAtomicMaxVolumePerBlock(
        IFlexibleStorage flexibleStorage,
        bytes32 settingName,
        uint _maxVolume
    ) external {
        require(_maxVolume <= MAX_ATOMIC_VOLUME_PER_BLOCK, "Atomic max volume exceed maximum uint192");
        flexibleStorage.setUIntValue(SETTINGS_CONTRACT_NAME, settingName, _maxVolume);

    function setAtomicTwapWindow(
        IFlexibleStorage flexibleStorage,
        bytes32 settingName,
        uint _window
    ) external {
        require(_window >= MIN_ATOMIC_TWAP_WINDOW, "Atomic twap window under minimum 1 min");
        require(_window <= MAX_ATOMIC_TWAP_WINDOW, "Atomic twap window exceed maximum 1 day");
        flexibleStorage.setUIntValue(SETTINGS_CONTRACT_NAME, settingName, _window);

    function setAtomicEquivalentForDexPricing(
        IFlexibleStorage flexibleStorage,
        bytes32 settingName,
        bytes32 _currencyKey,
        address _equivalent
    ) external {
        require(_equivalent != address(0), "Atomic equivalent is 0 address");
            keccak256(abi.encodePacked(settingName, _currencyKey)),

    function setAtomicExchangeFeeRate(
        IFlexibleStorage flexibleStorage,
        bytes32 settingName,
        bytes32 _currencyKey,
        uint _exchangeFeeRate
    ) external {
        require(_exchangeFeeRate <= MAX_EXCHANGE_FEE_RATE, "MAX_EXCHANGE_FEE_RATE exceeded");
            keccak256(abi.encodePacked(settingName, _currencyKey)),

    function setAtomicVolatilityConsiderationWindow(
        IFlexibleStorage flexibleStorage,
        bytes32 settingName,
        bytes32 _currencyKey,
        uint _window
    ) external {
        if (_window != 0) {
                "Atomic volatility consideration window under minimum 1 min"
                "Atomic volatility consideration window exceed maximum 1 day"
            keccak256(abi.encodePacked(settingName, _currencyKey)),

    function setAtomicVolatilityUpdateThreshold(
        IFlexibleStorage flexibleStorage,
        bytes32 settingName,
        bytes32 _currencyKey,
        uint _threshold
    ) external {
            keccak256(abi.encodePacked(settingName, _currencyKey)),

    function setPureChainlinkPriceForAtomicSwapsEnabled(
        IFlexibleStorage flexibleStorage,
        bytes32 settingName,
        bytes32 _currencyKey,
        bool _enabled
    ) external {
            keccak256(abi.encodePacked(settingName, _currencyKey)),

    function setCrossChainSynthTransferEnabled(
        IFlexibleStorage flexibleStorage,
        bytes32 settingName,
        bytes32 _currencyKey,
        uint _value
    ) external {
        flexibleStorage.setUIntValue(SETTINGS_CONTRACT_NAME, keccak256(abi.encodePacked(settingName, _currencyKey)), _value);

    function setExchangeMaxDynamicFee(
        IFlexibleStorage flexibleStorage,
        bytes32 settingName,
        uint maxFee
    ) external {
        require(maxFee != 0, "Max dynamic fee cannot be 0");
        require(maxFee <= MAX_EXCHANGE_FEE_RATE, "MAX_EXCHANGE_FEE_RATE exceeded");

        flexibleStorage.setUIntValue(SETTINGS_CONTRACT_NAME, settingName, maxFee);

Contract Security Audit

Contract ABI



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