ETH Price: $3,151.85 (+0.73%)
Gas: 7 Gwei




ETH Balance


Eth Value


Multichain Info

No addresses found
Transaction Hash
0x6060604033477352017-03-14 2:44:212609 days ago1489459461IN
 Create: Registrar
0 ETH0.0581109823.24702688

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Optimization Enabled:
Yes with 200 runs

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Contract Source Code (Solidity)

 *Submitted for verification at on 2017-03-14

pragma solidity ^0.4.0;


Temporary Hash Registrar 

This is a simplified version of a hash registrar. It is purporsefully limited:
names cannot be six letters or shorter, new auctions will stop after 4 years
and all ether still locked after 8 years will become unreachable.

The plan is to test the basic features and then move to a new contract in at most
2 years, when some sort of renewal mechanism will be enabled.

contract AbstractENS {
    function owner(bytes32 node) constant returns(address);
    function resolver(bytes32 node) constant returns(address);
    function ttl(bytes32 node) constant returns(uint64);
    function setOwner(bytes32 node, address owner);
    function setSubnodeOwner(bytes32 node, bytes32 label, address owner);
    function setResolver(bytes32 node, address resolver);
    function setTTL(bytes32 node, uint64 ttl);

    event Transfer(bytes32 indexed node, address owner);
    event NewOwner(bytes32 indexed node, bytes32 indexed label, address owner);
    event NewResolver(bytes32 indexed node, address resolver);
    event NewTTL(bytes32 indexed node, uint64 ttl);

 * @title Deed to hold ether in exchange for ownership of a node
 * @dev The deed can be controlled only by the registrar and can only send ether back to the owner.
contract Deed {
    address public registrar;
    address constant burn = 0xdead;
    uint public creationDate;
    address public owner;
    address public previousOwner;
    uint public value;
    event OwnerChanged(address newOwner);
    event DeedClosed();
    bool active;

    modifier onlyRegistrar {
        if (msg.sender != registrar) throw;

    modifier onlyActive {
        if (!active) throw;

    function Deed(uint _value) {
        registrar = msg.sender;
        creationDate = now;
        active = true;
        value = _value;
    function setOwner(address newOwner) onlyRegistrar {
        // so contracts can check who sent them the ownership
        previousOwner = owner;
        owner = newOwner;

    function setRegistrar(address newRegistrar) onlyRegistrar {
        registrar = newRegistrar;
    function setBalance(uint newValue) onlyRegistrar onlyActive payable {
        // Check if it has enough balance to set the value
        if (value < newValue) throw;
        value = newValue;
        // Send the difference to the owner
        if (!owner.send(this.balance - newValue)) throw;

     * @dev Close a deed and refund a specified fraction of the bid value
     * @param refundRatio The amount*1/1000 to refund
    function closeDeed(uint refundRatio) onlyRegistrar onlyActive {
        active = false;            
        if (! burn.send(((1000 - refundRatio) * this.balance)/1000)) throw;

     * @dev Close a deed and refund a specified fraction of the bid value
    function destroyDeed() {
        if (active) throw;

    // The default function just receives an amount
    function () payable {}

 * @title Registrar
 * @dev The registrar handles the auction process for each subnode of the node it owns.
contract Registrar {
    AbstractENS public ens;
    bytes32 public rootNode;

    mapping (bytes32 => entry) _entries;
    mapping (address => mapping(bytes32 => Deed)) public sealedBids;
    enum Mode { Open, Auction, Owned, Forbidden, Reveal }
    uint32 constant auctionLength = 5 days;
    uint32 constant revealPeriod = 48 hours;
    uint32 constant initialAuctionPeriod = 4 weeks;
    uint constant minPrice = 0.01 ether;
    uint public registryStarted;

    event AuctionStarted(bytes32 indexed hash, uint registrationDate);
    event NewBid(bytes32 indexed hash, address indexed bidder, uint deposit);
    event BidRevealed(bytes32 indexed hash, address indexed owner, uint value, uint8 status);
    event HashRegistered(bytes32 indexed hash, address indexed owner, uint value, uint registrationDate);
    event HashReleased(bytes32 indexed hash, uint value);
    event HashInvalidated(bytes32 indexed hash, string indexed name, uint value, uint registrationDate);

    struct entry {
        Deed deed;
        uint registrationDate;
        uint value;
        uint highestBid;

    // State transitions for names:
    //   Open -> Auction (startAuction)
    //   Auction -> Reveal
    //   Reveal -> Owned
    //   Reveal -> Open (if nobody bid)
    //   Owned -> Forbidden (invalidateName)
    //   Owned -> Open (releaseDeed)
    function state(bytes32 _hash) constant returns (Mode) {
        var entry = _entries[_hash];
        if(now < entry.registrationDate) {
            if(now < entry.registrationDate - revealPeriod) {
                return Mode.Auction;
            } else {
                return Mode.Reveal;
        } else {
            if(entry.highestBid == 0) {
                return Mode.Open;
            } else if(entry.deed == Deed(0)) {
                return Mode.Forbidden;
            } else {
                return Mode.Owned;
    modifier inState(bytes32 _hash, Mode _state) {
        if(state(_hash) != _state) throw;

    modifier onlyOwner(bytes32 _hash) {
        if (state(_hash) != Mode.Owned || msg.sender != _entries[_hash].deed.owner()) throw;
    modifier registryOpen() {
        if(now < registryStarted  || now > registryStarted + 4 years || ens.owner(rootNode) != address(this)) throw;
    function entries(bytes32 _hash) constant returns (Mode, address, uint, uint, uint) {
        entry h = _entries[_hash];
        return (state(_hash), h.deed, h.registrationDate, h.value, h.highestBid);
     * @dev Constructs a new Registrar, with the provided address as the owner of the root node.
     * @param _ens The address of the ENS
     * @param _rootNode The hash of the rootnode.
    function Registrar(address _ens, bytes32 _rootNode, uint _startDate) {
        ens = AbstractENS(_ens);
        rootNode = _rootNode;
        registryStarted = _startDate > 0 ? _startDate : now;

     * @dev Returns the maximum of two unsigned integers
     * @param a A number to compare
     * @param b A number to compare
     * @return The maximum of two unsigned integers
    function max(uint a, uint b) internal constant returns (uint max) {
        if (a > b)
            return a;
            return b;

     * @dev Returns the minimum of two unsigned integers
     * @param a A number to compare
     * @param b A number to compare
     * @return The minimum of two unsigned integers
    function min(uint a, uint b) internal constant returns (uint min) {
        if (a < b)
            return a;
            return b;

     * @dev Returns the length of a given string
     * @param s The string to measure the length of
     * @return The length of the input string
    function strlen(string s) internal constant returns (uint) {
        // Starting here means the LSB will be the byte we care about
        uint ptr;
        uint end;
        assembly {
            ptr := add(s, 1)
            end := add(mload(s), ptr)
        for (uint len = 0; ptr < end; len++) {
            uint8 b;
            assembly { b := and(mload(ptr), 0xFF) }
            if (b < 0x80) {
                ptr += 1;
            } else if(b < 0xE0) {
                ptr += 2;
            } else if(b < 0xF0) {
                ptr += 3;
            } else if(b < 0xF8) {
                ptr += 4;
            } else if(b < 0xFC) {
                ptr += 5;
            } else {
                ptr += 6;
        return len;

     * @dev Start an auction for an available hash
     * Anyone can start an auction by sending an array of hashes that they want to bid for. 
     * Arrays are sent so that someone can open up an auction for X dummy hashes when they 
     * are only really interested in bidding for one. This will increase the cost for an 
     * attacker to simply bid blindly on all new auctions. Dummy auctions that are 
     * open but not bid on are closed after a week. 
     * @param _hash The hash to start an auction on
    function startAuction(bytes32 _hash) inState(_hash, Mode.Open) registryOpen() {
        entry newAuction = _entries[_hash];

        // for the first month of the registry, make longer auctions
        newAuction.registrationDate = max(now + auctionLength, registryStarted + initialAuctionPeriod);
        newAuction.value = 0;
        newAuction.highestBid = 0;
        AuctionStarted(_hash, newAuction.registrationDate);      

     * @dev Start multiple auctions for better anonymity
     * @param _hashes An array of hashes, at least one of which you presumably want to bid on
    function startAuctions(bytes32[] _hashes)  {
        for (uint i = 0; i < _hashes.length; i ++ ) {
     * @dev Hash the values required for a secret bid
     * @param hash The node corresponding to the desired namehash
     * @param owner The address which will own the 
     * @param value The bid amount
     * @param salt A random value to ensure secrecy of the bid
     * @return The hash of the bid values
    function shaBid(bytes32 hash, address owner, uint value, bytes32 salt) constant returns (bytes32 sealedBid) {
        return sha3(hash, owner, value, salt);
     * @dev Submit a new sealed bid on a desired hash in a blind auction
     * Bids are sent by sending a message to the main contract with a hash and an amount. The hash 
     * contains information about the bid, including the bidded hash, the bid amount, and a random 
     * salt. Bids are not tied to any one auction until they are revealed. The value of the bid 
     * itself can be masqueraded by sending more than the value of your actual bid. This is 
     * followed by a 24h reveal period. Bids revealed after this period will be burned and the ether unrecoverable. 
     * Since this is an auction, it is expected that most public hashes, like known domains and common dictionary 
     * words, will have multiple bidders pushing the price up. 
     * @param sealedBid A sealedBid, created by the shaBid function
    function newBid(bytes32 sealedBid) payable {
        if (address(sealedBids[msg.sender][sealedBid]) > 0 ) throw;
        if (msg.value < minPrice) throw;
        // creates a new hash contract with the owner
        Deed newBid = new Deed(msg.value);
        sealedBids[msg.sender][sealedBid] = newBid;
        NewBid(sealedBid, msg.sender, msg.value);

        if (!newBid.send(msg.value)) throw;

     * @dev Submit the properties of a bid to reveal them
     * @param _hash The node in the sealedBid
     * @param _owner The address in the sealedBid
     * @param _value The bid amount in the sealedBid
     * @param _salt The sale in the sealedBid
    function unsealBid(bytes32 _hash, address _owner, uint _value, bytes32 _salt) {
        bytes32 seal = shaBid(_hash, _owner, _value, _salt);
        Deed bid = sealedBids[msg.sender][seal];
        if (address(bid) == 0 ) throw;
        sealedBids[msg.sender][seal] = Deed(0);
        entry h = _entries[_hash];
        uint actualValue = min(_value, bid.value());

        var auctionState = state(_hash);
        if(auctionState == Mode.Owned) {
            // Too late! Bidder loses their bid. Get's 0.5% back.
            BidRevealed(_hash, _owner, actualValue, 1);
        } else if(auctionState != Mode.Reveal) {
            // Invalid phase
        } else if (_value < minPrice || bid.creationDate() > h.registrationDate - revealPeriod) {
            // Bid too low or too late, refund 99.5%
            BidRevealed(_hash, _owner, actualValue, 0);
        } else if (_value > h.highestBid) {
            // new winner
            // cancel the other bid, refund 99.5%
            if(address(h.deed) != 0) {
                Deed previousWinner = h.deed;
            // set new winner
            // per the rules of a vickery auction, the value becomes the previous highestBid
            h.value = h.highestBid;
            h.highestBid = actualValue;
            h.deed = bid;
            BidRevealed(_hash, _owner, actualValue, 2);
        } else if (_value > h.value) {
            // not winner, but affects second place
            h.value = actualValue;
            BidRevealed(_hash, _owner, actualValue, 3);
        } else {
            // bid doesn't affect auction
            BidRevealed(_hash, _owner, actualValue, 4);
     * @dev Cancel a bid
     * @param seal The value returned by the shaBid function
    function cancelBid(address bidder, bytes32 seal) {
        Deed bid = sealedBids[bidder][seal];
        // If the bid hasn't been revealed after any possible auction date, then close it
        if (address(bid) == 0 
            || now < bid.creationDate() + initialAuctionPeriod 
            || bid.owner() > 0) throw;

        // Send the canceller 0.5% of the bid, and burn the rest.
        sealedBids[bidder][seal] = Deed(0);
        BidRevealed(seal, bidder, 0, 5);

     * @dev Finalize an auction after the registration date has passed
     * @param _hash The hash of the name the auction is for
    function finalizeAuction(bytes32 _hash) onlyOwner(_hash) {
        entry h = _entries[_hash];

        h.value =  max(h.value, minPrice);

        // Assign the owner in ENS
        ens.setSubnodeOwner(rootNode, _hash, h.deed.owner());

        Deed deedContract = h.deed;
        HashRegistered(_hash, deedContract.owner(), h.value, h.registrationDate);

     * @dev The owner of a domain may transfer it to someone else at any time.
     * @param _hash The node to transfer
     * @param newOwner The address to transfer ownership to
    function transfer(bytes32 _hash, address newOwner) onlyOwner(_hash) {
        entry h = _entries[_hash];
        ens.setSubnodeOwner(rootNode, _hash, newOwner);

     * @dev After some time, the owner can release the property and get their ether back
     * @param _hash The node to release
    function releaseDeed(bytes32 _hash) onlyOwner(_hash) {
        entry h = _entries[_hash];
        Deed deedContract = h.deed;
        if (now < h.registrationDate + 1 years 
            || now > registryStarted + 8 years) throw;

        HashReleased(_hash, h.value);
        h.value = 0;
        h.highestBid = 0;
        h.deed = Deed(0);

        ens.setSubnodeOwner(rootNode, _hash, 0);

     * @dev Submit a name 6 characters long or less. If it has been registered, 
     * the submitter will earn 50% of the deed value. We are purposefully
     * handicapping the simplified registrar as a way to force it into being restructured
     * in a few years.
     * @param unhashedName An invalid name to search for in the registry.
    function invalidateName(string unhashedName) inState(sha3(unhashedName), Mode.Owned) {
        if (strlen(unhashedName) > 6 ) throw;
        bytes32 hash = sha3(unhashedName);
        entry h = _entries[hash];
        ens.setSubnodeOwner(rootNode, hash, 0);
        if(address(h.deed) != 0) {
            // Reward the discoverer with 50% of the deed
            // The previous owner gets 50%
        HashInvalidated(hash, unhashedName, h.value, h.registrationDate);
        h.deed = Deed(0);

     * @dev Transfers the deed to the current registrar, if different from this one.
     * Used during the upgrade process to a permanent registrar.
     * @param _hash The name hash to transfer.
    function transferRegistrars(bytes32 _hash) onlyOwner(_hash) {
        var registrar = ens.owner(rootNode);
        if(registrar == address(this))

        entry h = _entries[_hash];

     * @dev Returns a deed created by a previous instance of the registrar.
     * @param deed The address of the deed.
    function returnDeed(Deed deed) {
        // Only return if we own the deed, and it was created before our start date.
        if(deed.registrar() != address(this) || deed.creationDate() > registryStarted)

Contract Security Audit

Contract ABI



Deployed Bytecode


Constructor Arguments (ABI-Encoded and is the last bytes of the Contract Creation Code above)


-----Decoded View---------------
Arg [0] : _ens (address): 0x314159265dD8dbb310642f98f50C066173C1259b
Arg [1] : _rootNode (bytes32): 0x93cdeb708b7545dc668eb9280176169d1c33cfd8ed6f04690a0bcc88a93fc4ae
Arg [2] : _startDate (uint256): 1489504166

-----Encoded View---------------
3 Constructor Arguments found :
Arg [0] : 000000000000000000000000314159265dd8dbb310642f98f50c066173c1259b
Arg [1] : 93cdeb708b7545dc668eb9280176169d1c33cfd8ed6f04690a0bcc88a93fc4ae
Arg [2] : 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000058c807a6

Swarm Source


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