ETH Price: $3,097.73 (+0.63%)
Gas: 6 Gwei




ETH Balance


Eth Value


Token Holdings

Multichain Info

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Transaction Hash
Transfer Batch199072112024-05-19 23:18:1112 hrs ago1716160691IN
X2Y2: ERC721 Delegate
0 ETH0.002686253.02330893
Transfer Batch198998742024-05-18 22:41:1137 hrs ago1716072071IN
X2Y2: ERC721 Delegate
0 ETH0.000306463.02095602
Transfer Batch198960572024-05-18 9:52:232 days ago1716025943IN
X2Y2: ERC721 Delegate
0 ETH0.001952853.14839377
Transfer Batch198952372024-05-18 7:06:472 days ago1716016007IN
X2Y2: ERC721 Delegate
0 ETH0.000395343.55897081
Transfer Batch198952312024-05-18 7:05:352 days ago1716015935IN
X2Y2: ERC721 Delegate
0 ETH0.00094983.17812662
Transfer Batch198928332024-05-17 23:02:112 days ago1715986931IN
X2Y2: ERC721 Delegate
0 ETH0.000534383.20330262
Transfer Batch198914922024-05-17 18:31:472 days ago1715970707IN
X2Y2: ERC721 Delegate
0 ETH0.001879054.54425821
Transfer Batch198901332024-05-17 13:57:112 days ago1715954231IN
X2Y2: ERC721 Delegate
0 ETH0.001520565.02627842
Transfer Batch198901012024-05-17 13:50:472 days ago1715953847IN
X2Y2: ERC721 Delegate
0 ETH0.001592375.66810017
Transfer Batch198899202024-05-17 13:14:232 days ago1715951663IN
X2Y2: ERC721 Delegate
0 ETH0.00107276.44018184
Transfer Batch198897972024-05-17 12:49:472 days ago1715950187IN
X2Y2: ERC721 Delegate
0 ETH0.0021482811.28969602
Transfer Batch198876082024-05-17 5:27:593 days ago1715923679IN
X2Y2: ERC721 Delegate
0 ETH0.000489263.32092192
Transfer Batch198862042024-05-17 0:45:473 days ago1715906747IN
X2Y2: ERC721 Delegate
0 ETH0.000634163.24759869
Transfer Batch198819082024-05-16 10:21:474 days ago1715854907IN
X2Y2: ERC721 Delegate
0 ETH0.001442425.79678888
Transfer Batch198818852024-05-16 10:17:114 days ago1715854631IN
X2Y2: ERC721 Delegate
0 ETH0.000622555.91103591
Transfer Batch198818682024-05-16 10:13:474 days ago1715854427IN
X2Y2: ERC721 Delegate
0 ETH0.000587854.23459681
Transfer Batch198809942024-05-16 7:17:354 days ago1715843855IN
X2Y2: ERC721 Delegate
0 ETH0.001232314.47968594
Transfer Batch198781832024-05-15 21:51:114 days ago1715809871IN
X2Y2: ERC721 Delegate
0 ETH0.001066145.39187021
Transfer Batch198781582024-05-15 21:46:114 days ago1715809571IN
X2Y2: ERC721 Delegate
0 ETH0.000521125.19599704
Transfer Batch198781362024-05-15 21:41:474 days ago1715809307IN
X2Y2: ERC721 Delegate
0 ETH0.000911316.32450173
Transfer Batch198781302024-05-15 21:40:354 days ago1715809235IN
X2Y2: ERC721 Delegate
0 ETH0.001295256.47827462
Transfer Batch198770442024-05-15 18:02:114 days ago1715796131IN
X2Y2: ERC721 Delegate
0 ETH0.001075078.06365935
Transfer Batch198758422024-05-15 14:00:474 days ago1715781647IN
X2Y2: ERC721 Delegate
0 ETH0.0019109815.08646877
Transfer Batch198758372024-05-15 13:59:474 days ago1715781587IN
X2Y2: ERC721 Delegate
0 ETH0.0011544813.12618249
Transfer Batch198728192024-05-15 3:53:595 days ago1715745239IN
X2Y2: ERC721 Delegate
0 ETH0.000421833.60782271
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File 1 of 13 : ERC721Delegate.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicensed

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
pragma abicoder v2;

import '@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/IERC721.sol';
import '@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/IERC721Receiver.sol';
import '@openzeppelin/contracts/access/AccessControl.sol';
import './MarketConsts.sol';
import './IDelegate.sol';

contract ERC721Delegate is IDelegate, AccessControl, IERC721Receiver {
    bytes32 public constant DELEGATION_CALLER = keccak256('DELEGATION_CALLER');

    struct Pair {
        IERC721 token;
        uint256 tokenId;

    constructor() {
        _grantRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, msg.sender);

    function onERC721Received(
        bytes calldata
    ) external override returns (bytes4) {
        return this.onERC721Received.selector;

    function decode(bytes calldata data) internal pure returns (Pair[] memory) {
        return abi.decode(data, (Pair[]));

    function delegateType() external view returns (uint256) {
        // return uint256(Market.DelegationType.ERC721);
        return 1;

    function executeSell(
        address seller,
        address buyer,
        bytes calldata data
    ) external onlyRole(DELEGATION_CALLER) returns (bool) {
        Pair[] memory pairs = decode(data);
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
            Pair memory p = pairs[i];
            p.token.safeTransferFrom(seller, buyer, p.tokenId);
        return true;

    function executeBuy(
        address seller,
        address buyer,
        bytes calldata data
    ) external onlyRole(DELEGATION_CALLER) returns (bool) {
        Pair[] memory pairs = decode(data);
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
            Pair memory p = pairs[i];
            p.token.safeTransferFrom(seller, buyer, p.tokenId);
        return true;

    function executeBid(
        address seller,
        address previousBidder,
        address, // bidder,
        bytes calldata data
    ) external onlyRole(DELEGATION_CALLER) returns (bool) {
        if (previousBidder == address(0)) {
            Pair[] memory pairs = decode(data);
            for (uint256 i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
                Pair memory p = pairs[i];
                p.token.safeTransferFrom(seller, address(this), p.tokenId);
        return true;

    function executeAuctionComplete(
        address, // seller,
        address buyer,
        bytes calldata data
    ) external onlyRole(DELEGATION_CALLER) returns (bool) {
        Pair[] memory pairs = decode(data);
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
            Pair memory p = pairs[i];
            p.token.safeTransferFrom(address(this), buyer, p.tokenId);
        return true;

    function executeAuctionRefund(
        address seller,
        address, // lastBidder,
        bytes calldata data
    ) external onlyRole(DELEGATION_CALLER) returns (bool) {
        Pair[] memory pairs = decode(data);
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
            Pair memory p = pairs[i];
            p.token.safeTransferFrom(address(this), seller, p.tokenId);
        return true;

    function transferBatch(Pair[] memory pairs, address to) public {
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
            Pair memory p = pairs[i];
            p.token.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, to, p.tokenId);

File 3 of 13 : IERC721.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (token/ERC721/IERC721.sol)

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "../../utils/introspection/IERC165.sol";

 * @dev Required interface of an ERC721 compliant contract.
interface IERC721 is IERC165 {
     * @dev Emitted when `tokenId` token is transferred from `from` to `to`.
    event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 indexed tokenId);

     * @dev Emitted when `owner` enables `approved` to manage the `tokenId` token.
    event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed approved, uint256 indexed tokenId);

     * @dev Emitted when `owner` enables or disables (`approved`) `operator` to manage all of its assets.
    event ApprovalForAll(address indexed owner, address indexed operator, bool approved);

     * @dev Returns the number of tokens in ``owner``'s account.
    function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint256 balance);

     * @dev Returns the owner of the `tokenId` token.
     * Requirements:
     * - `tokenId` must exist.
    function ownerOf(uint256 tokenId) external view returns (address owner);

     * @dev Safely transfers `tokenId` token from `from` to `to`, checking first that contract recipients
     * are aware of the ERC721 protocol to prevent tokens from being forever locked.
     * Requirements:
     * - `from` cannot be the zero address.
     * - `to` cannot be the zero address.
     * - `tokenId` token must exist and be owned by `from`.
     * - If the caller is not `from`, it must be have been allowed to move this token by either {approve} or {setApprovalForAll}.
     * - If `to` refers to a smart contract, it must implement {IERC721Receiver-onERC721Received}, which is called upon a safe transfer.
     * Emits a {Transfer} event.
    function safeTransferFrom(
        address from,
        address to,
        uint256 tokenId
    ) external;

     * @dev Transfers `tokenId` token from `from` to `to`.
     * WARNING: Usage of this method is discouraged, use {safeTransferFrom} whenever possible.
     * Requirements:
     * - `from` cannot be the zero address.
     * - `to` cannot be the zero address.
     * - `tokenId` token must be owned by `from`.
     * - If the caller is not `from`, it must be approved to move this token by either {approve} or {setApprovalForAll}.
     * Emits a {Transfer} event.
    function transferFrom(
        address from,
        address to,
        uint256 tokenId
    ) external;

     * @dev Gives permission to `to` to transfer `tokenId` token to another account.
     * The approval is cleared when the token is transferred.
     * Only a single account can be approved at a time, so approving the zero address clears previous approvals.
     * Requirements:
     * - The caller must own the token or be an approved operator.
     * - `tokenId` must exist.
     * Emits an {Approval} event.
    function approve(address to, uint256 tokenId) external;

     * @dev Returns the account approved for `tokenId` token.
     * Requirements:
     * - `tokenId` must exist.
    function getApproved(uint256 tokenId) external view returns (address operator);

     * @dev Approve or remove `operator` as an operator for the caller.
     * Operators can call {transferFrom} or {safeTransferFrom} for any token owned by the caller.
     * Requirements:
     * - The `operator` cannot be the caller.
     * Emits an {ApprovalForAll} event.
    function setApprovalForAll(address operator, bool _approved) external;

     * @dev Returns if the `operator` is allowed to manage all of the assets of `owner`.
     * See {setApprovalForAll}
    function isApprovedForAll(address owner, address operator) external view returns (bool);

     * @dev Safely transfers `tokenId` token from `from` to `to`.
     * Requirements:
     * - `from` cannot be the zero address.
     * - `to` cannot be the zero address.
     * - `tokenId` token must exist and be owned by `from`.
     * - If the caller is not `from`, it must be approved to move this token by either {approve} or {setApprovalForAll}.
     * - If `to` refers to a smart contract, it must implement {IERC721Receiver-onERC721Received}, which is called upon a safe transfer.
     * Emits a {Transfer} event.
    function safeTransferFrom(
        address from,
        address to,
        uint256 tokenId,
        bytes calldata data
    ) external;

File 4 of 13 : IERC721Receiver.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (token/ERC721/IERC721Receiver.sol)

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

 * @title ERC721 token receiver interface
 * @dev Interface for any contract that wants to support safeTransfers
 * from ERC721 asset contracts.
interface IERC721Receiver {
     * @dev Whenever an {IERC721} `tokenId` token is transferred to this contract via {IERC721-safeTransferFrom}
     * by `operator` from `from`, this function is called.
     * It must return its Solidity selector to confirm the token transfer.
     * If any other value is returned or the interface is not implemented by the recipient, the transfer will be reverted.
     * The selector can be obtained in Solidity with `IERC721.onERC721Received.selector`.
    function onERC721Received(
        address operator,
        address from,
        uint256 tokenId,
        bytes calldata data
    ) external returns (bytes4);

File 5 of 13 : AccessControl.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (access/AccessControl.sol)

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "./IAccessControl.sol";
import "../utils/Context.sol";
import "../utils/Strings.sol";
import "../utils/introspection/ERC165.sol";

 * @dev Contract module that allows children to implement role-based access
 * control mechanisms. This is a lightweight version that doesn't allow enumerating role
 * members except through off-chain means by accessing the contract event logs. Some
 * applications may benefit from on-chain enumerability, for those cases see
 * {AccessControlEnumerable}.
 * Roles are referred to by their `bytes32` identifier. These should be exposed
 * in the external API and be unique. The best way to achieve this is by
 * using `public constant` hash digests:
 * ```
 * bytes32 public constant MY_ROLE = keccak256("MY_ROLE");
 * ```
 * Roles can be used to represent a set of permissions. To restrict access to a
 * function call, use {hasRole}:
 * ```
 * function foo() public {
 *     require(hasRole(MY_ROLE, msg.sender));
 *     ...
 * }
 * ```
 * Roles can be granted and revoked dynamically via the {grantRole} and
 * {revokeRole} functions. Each role has an associated admin role, and only
 * accounts that have a role's admin role can call {grantRole} and {revokeRole}.
 * By default, the admin role for all roles is `DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE`, which means
 * that only accounts with this role will be able to grant or revoke other
 * roles. More complex role relationships can be created by using
 * {_setRoleAdmin}.
 * WARNING: The `DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE` is also its own admin: it has permission to
 * grant and revoke this role. Extra precautions should be taken to secure
 * accounts that have been granted it.
abstract contract AccessControl is Context, IAccessControl, ERC165 {
    struct RoleData {
        mapping(address => bool) members;
        bytes32 adminRole;

    mapping(bytes32 => RoleData) private _roles;

    bytes32 public constant DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE = 0x00;

     * @dev Modifier that checks that an account has a specific role. Reverts
     * with a standardized message including the required role.
     * The format of the revert reason is given by the following regular expression:
     *  /^AccessControl: account (0x[0-9a-f]{40}) is missing role (0x[0-9a-f]{64})$/
     * _Available since v4.1._
    modifier onlyRole(bytes32 role) {
        _checkRole(role, _msgSender());

     * @dev See {IERC165-supportsInterface}.
    function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public view virtual override returns (bool) {
        return interfaceId == type(IAccessControl).interfaceId || super.supportsInterface(interfaceId);

     * @dev Returns `true` if `account` has been granted `role`.
    function hasRole(bytes32 role, address account) public view override returns (bool) {
        return _roles[role].members[account];

     * @dev Revert with a standard message if `account` is missing `role`.
     * The format of the revert reason is given by the following regular expression:
     *  /^AccessControl: account (0x[0-9a-f]{40}) is missing role (0x[0-9a-f]{64})$/
    function _checkRole(bytes32 role, address account) internal view {
        if (!hasRole(role, account)) {
                        "AccessControl: account ",
                        Strings.toHexString(uint160(account), 20),
                        " is missing role ",
                        Strings.toHexString(uint256(role), 32)

     * @dev Returns the admin role that controls `role`. See {grantRole} and
     * {revokeRole}.
     * To change a role's admin, use {_setRoleAdmin}.
    function getRoleAdmin(bytes32 role) public view override returns (bytes32) {
        return _roles[role].adminRole;

     * @dev Grants `role` to `account`.
     * If `account` had not been already granted `role`, emits a {RoleGranted}
     * event.
     * Requirements:
     * - the caller must have ``role``'s admin role.
    function grantRole(bytes32 role, address account) public virtual override onlyRole(getRoleAdmin(role)) {
        _grantRole(role, account);

     * @dev Revokes `role` from `account`.
     * If `account` had been granted `role`, emits a {RoleRevoked} event.
     * Requirements:
     * - the caller must have ``role``'s admin role.
    function revokeRole(bytes32 role, address account) public virtual override onlyRole(getRoleAdmin(role)) {
        _revokeRole(role, account);

     * @dev Revokes `role` from the calling account.
     * Roles are often managed via {grantRole} and {revokeRole}: this function's
     * purpose is to provide a mechanism for accounts to lose their privileges
     * if they are compromised (such as when a trusted device is misplaced).
     * If the calling account had been revoked `role`, emits a {RoleRevoked}
     * event.
     * Requirements:
     * - the caller must be `account`.
    function renounceRole(bytes32 role, address account) public virtual override {
        require(account == _msgSender(), "AccessControl: can only renounce roles for self");

        _revokeRole(role, account);

     * @dev Grants `role` to `account`.
     * If `account` had not been already granted `role`, emits a {RoleGranted}
     * event. Note that unlike {grantRole}, this function doesn't perform any
     * checks on the calling account.
     * [WARNING]
     * ====
     * This function should only be called from the constructor when setting
     * up the initial roles for the system.
     * Using this function in any other way is effectively circumventing the admin
     * system imposed by {AccessControl}.
     * ====
     * NOTE: This function is deprecated in favor of {_grantRole}.
    function _setupRole(bytes32 role, address account) internal virtual {
        _grantRole(role, account);

     * @dev Sets `adminRole` as ``role``'s admin role.
     * Emits a {RoleAdminChanged} event.
    function _setRoleAdmin(bytes32 role, bytes32 adminRole) internal virtual {
        bytes32 previousAdminRole = getRoleAdmin(role);
        _roles[role].adminRole = adminRole;
        emit RoleAdminChanged(role, previousAdminRole, adminRole);

     * @dev Grants `role` to `account`.
     * Internal function without access restriction.
    function _grantRole(bytes32 role, address account) internal virtual {
        if (!hasRole(role, account)) {
            _roles[role].members[account] = true;
            emit RoleGranted(role, account, _msgSender());

     * @dev Revokes `role` from `account`.
     * Internal function without access restriction.
    function _revokeRole(bytes32 role, address account) internal virtual {
        if (hasRole(role, account)) {
            _roles[role].members[account] = false;
            emit RoleRevoked(role, account, _msgSender());

File 6 of 13 : MarketConsts.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicensed

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
pragma abicoder v2;

import './IDelegate.sol';
import './IWETHUpgradable.sol';

library Market {
    uint256 constant INTENT_SELL = 1;
    uint256 constant INTENT_AUCTION = 2;
    uint256 constant INTENT_BUY = 3;

    uint8 constant SIGN_V1 = 1;
    uint8 constant SIGN_V3 = 3;

    struct OrderItem {
        uint256 price;
        bytes data;

    struct Order {
        uint256 salt;
        address user;
        uint256 network;
        uint256 intent;
        uint256 delegateType;
        uint256 deadline;
        IERC20Upgradeable currency;
        bytes dataMask;
        OrderItem[] items;
        // signature
        bytes32 r;
        bytes32 s;
        uint8 v;
        uint8 signVersion;

    struct Fee {
        uint256 percentage;
        address to;

    struct SettleDetail {
        Market.Op op;
        uint256 orderIdx;
        uint256 itemIdx;
        uint256 price;
        bytes32 itemHash;
        IDelegate executionDelegate;
        bytes dataReplacement;
        uint256 bidIncentivePct;
        uint256 aucMinIncrementPct;
        uint256 aucIncDurationSecs;
        Fee[] fees;

    struct SettleShared {
        uint256 salt;
        uint256 deadline;
        uint256 amountToEth;
        uint256 amountToWeth;
        address user;
        bool canFail;

    struct RunInput {
        Order[] orders;
        SettleDetail[] details;
        SettleShared shared;
        // signature
        bytes32 r;
        bytes32 s;
        uint8 v;

    struct OngoingAuction {
        uint256 price;
        uint256 netPrice;
        uint256 endAt;
        address bidder;

    enum InvStatus {

    enum Op {
        // off-chain
        // auction

    enum DelegationType {

File 7 of 13 : IDelegate.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicensed

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
pragma abicoder v2;

interface IDelegate {
    function delegateType() external view returns (uint256);

    function executeSell(
        address seller,
        address buyer,
        bytes calldata data
    ) external returns (bool);

    function executeBuy(
        address seller,
        address buyer,
        bytes calldata data
    ) external returns (bool);

    function executeBid(
        address seller,
        address previousBidder,
        address bidder,
        bytes calldata data
    ) external returns (bool);

    function executeAuctionComplete(
        address seller,
        address buyer,
        bytes calldata data
    ) external returns (bool);

    function executeAuctionRefund(
        address seller,
        address lastBidder,
        bytes calldata data
    ) external returns (bool);

File 8 of 13 : IERC165.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (utils/introspection/IERC165.sol)

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

 * @dev Interface of the ERC165 standard, as defined in the
 * Implementers can declare support of contract interfaces, which can then be
 * queried by others ({ERC165Checker}).
 * For an implementation, see {ERC165}.
interface IERC165 {
     * @dev Returns true if this contract implements the interface defined by
     * `interfaceId`. See the corresponding
     *[EIP section]
     * to learn more about how these ids are created.
     * This function call must use less than 30 000 gas.
    function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) external view returns (bool);

File 9 of 13 : IAccessControl.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (access/IAccessControl.sol)

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

 * @dev External interface of AccessControl declared to support ERC165 detection.
interface IAccessControl {
     * @dev Emitted when `newAdminRole` is set as ``role``'s admin role, replacing `previousAdminRole`
     * `DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE` is the starting admin for all roles, despite
     * {RoleAdminChanged} not being emitted signaling this.
     * _Available since v3.1._
    event RoleAdminChanged(bytes32 indexed role, bytes32 indexed previousAdminRole, bytes32 indexed newAdminRole);

     * @dev Emitted when `account` is granted `role`.
     * `sender` is the account that originated the contract call, an admin role
     * bearer except when using {AccessControl-_setupRole}.
    event RoleGranted(bytes32 indexed role, address indexed account, address indexed sender);

     * @dev Emitted when `account` is revoked `role`.
     * `sender` is the account that originated the contract call:
     *   - if using `revokeRole`, it is the admin role bearer
     *   - if using `renounceRole`, it is the role bearer (i.e. `account`)
    event RoleRevoked(bytes32 indexed role, address indexed account, address indexed sender);

     * @dev Returns `true` if `account` has been granted `role`.
    function hasRole(bytes32 role, address account) external view returns (bool);

     * @dev Returns the admin role that controls `role`. See {grantRole} and
     * {revokeRole}.
     * To change a role's admin, use {AccessControl-_setRoleAdmin}.
    function getRoleAdmin(bytes32 role) external view returns (bytes32);

     * @dev Grants `role` to `account`.
     * If `account` had not been already granted `role`, emits a {RoleGranted}
     * event.
     * Requirements:
     * - the caller must have ``role``'s admin role.
    function grantRole(bytes32 role, address account) external;

     * @dev Revokes `role` from `account`.
     * If `account` had been granted `role`, emits a {RoleRevoked} event.
     * Requirements:
     * - the caller must have ``role``'s admin role.
    function revokeRole(bytes32 role, address account) external;

     * @dev Revokes `role` from the calling account.
     * Roles are often managed via {grantRole} and {revokeRole}: this function's
     * purpose is to provide a mechanism for accounts to lose their privileges
     * if they are compromised (such as when a trusted device is misplaced).
     * If the calling account had been granted `role`, emits a {RoleRevoked}
     * event.
     * Requirements:
     * - the caller must be `account`.
    function renounceRole(bytes32 role, address account) external;

File 10 of 13 : Context.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (utils/Context.sol)

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

 * @dev Provides information about the current execution context, including the
 * sender of the transaction and its data. While these are generally available
 * via msg.sender and, they should not be accessed in such a direct
 * manner, since when dealing with meta-transactions the account sending and
 * paying for execution may not be the actual sender (as far as an application
 * is concerned).
 * This contract is only required for intermediate, library-like contracts.
abstract contract Context {
    function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address) {
        return msg.sender;

    function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes calldata) {

File 11 of 13 : Strings.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (utils/Strings.sol)

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

 * @dev String operations.
library Strings {
    bytes16 private constant _HEX_SYMBOLS = "0123456789abcdef";

     * @dev Converts a `uint256` to its ASCII `string` decimal representation.
    function toString(uint256 value) internal pure returns (string memory) {
        // Inspired by OraclizeAPI's implementation - MIT licence

        if (value == 0) {
            return "0";
        uint256 temp = value;
        uint256 digits;
        while (temp != 0) {
            temp /= 10;
        bytes memory buffer = new bytes(digits);
        while (value != 0) {
            digits -= 1;
            buffer[digits] = bytes1(uint8(48 + uint256(value % 10)));
            value /= 10;
        return string(buffer);

     * @dev Converts a `uint256` to its ASCII `string` hexadecimal representation.
    function toHexString(uint256 value) internal pure returns (string memory) {
        if (value == 0) {
            return "0x00";
        uint256 temp = value;
        uint256 length = 0;
        while (temp != 0) {
            temp >>= 8;
        return toHexString(value, length);

     * @dev Converts a `uint256` to its ASCII `string` hexadecimal representation with fixed length.
    function toHexString(uint256 value, uint256 length) internal pure returns (string memory) {
        bytes memory buffer = new bytes(2 * length + 2);
        buffer[0] = "0";
        buffer[1] = "x";
        for (uint256 i = 2 * length + 1; i > 1; --i) {
            buffer[i] = _HEX_SYMBOLS[value & 0xf];
            value >>= 4;
        require(value == 0, "Strings: hex length insufficient");
        return string(buffer);

File 12 of 13 : ERC165.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (utils/introspection/ERC165.sol)

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "./IERC165.sol";

 * @dev Implementation of the {IERC165} interface.
 * Contracts that want to implement ERC165 should inherit from this contract and override {supportsInterface} to check
 * for the additional interface id that will be supported. For example:
 * ```solidity
 * function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public view virtual override returns (bool) {
 *     return interfaceId == type(MyInterface).interfaceId || super.supportsInterface(interfaceId);
 * }
 * ```
 * Alternatively, {ERC165Storage} provides an easier to use but more expensive implementation.
abstract contract ERC165 is IERC165 {
     * @dev See {IERC165-supportsInterface}.
    function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public view virtual override returns (bool) {
        return interfaceId == type(IERC165).interfaceId;

File 13 of 13 : IWETHUpgradable.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicensed

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
pragma abicoder v2;

import '@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/token/ERC20/IERC20Upgradeable.sol';

interface IWETHUpgradable is IERC20Upgradeable {
    function deposit() external payable;

    function withdraw(uint256 wad) external;

File 14 of 13 : IERC20Upgradeable.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (token/ERC20/IERC20.sol)

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

 * @dev Interface of the ERC20 standard as defined in the EIP.
interface IERC20Upgradeable {
     * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence.
    function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);

     * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`.
    function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256);

     * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`.
     * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
     * Emits a {Transfer} event.
    function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);

     * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be
     * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is
     * zero by default.
     * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called.
    function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256);

     * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens.
     * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
     * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk
     * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate
     * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race
     * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the
     * desired value afterwards:
     * Emits an {Approval} event.
    function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);

     * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the
     * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's
     * allowance.
     * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
     * Emits a {Transfer} event.
    function transferFrom(
        address sender,
        address recipient,
        uint256 amount
    ) external returns (bool);

     * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to
     * another (`to`).
     * Note that `value` may be zero.
    event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);

     * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by
     * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance.
    event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value);

  "optimizer": {
    "enabled": true,
    "runs": 100
  "outputSelection": {
    "*": {
      "*": [
  "libraries": {}

Contract Security Audit

Contract ABI

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