ETH Price: $2,949.29 (-2.16%)
Gas: 3 Gwei




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Execute186131802023-11-20 13:04:23178 days ago1700485463IN
dYdX: Governance
0 ETH0.0374342429.39966574
Queue185988902023-11-18 13:01:35180 days ago1700312495IN
dYdX: Governance
0 ETH0.0109525519.89582531
Submit Vote185977572023-11-18 9:11:59180 days ago1700298719IN
dYdX: Governance
0 ETH0.0017505718
Submit Vote185976442023-11-18 8:48:35180 days ago1700297315IN
dYdX: Governance
0 ETH0.0018892417.92551218
Submit Vote185969012023-11-18 6:17:59180 days ago1700288279IN
dYdX: Governance
0 ETH0.0018379418.10872751
Submit Vote185961052023-11-18 3:36:47181 days ago1700278607IN
dYdX: Governance
0 ETH0.0022210620.37167235
Submit Vote185957352023-11-18 2:22:23181 days ago1700274143IN
dYdX: Governance
0 ETH0.0017435518
Submit Vote By S...185952542023-11-18 0:45:11181 days ago1700268311IN
dYdX: Governance
0 ETH0.0025442124.7823987
Submit Vote By S...185937962023-11-17 19:51:23181 days ago1700250683IN
dYdX: Governance
0 ETH0.0035114832.2574755
Submit Vote185934192023-11-17 18:34:59181 days ago1700246099IN
dYdX: Governance
0 ETH0.0033786933.28926203
Submit Vote185927512023-11-17 16:20:59181 days ago1700238059IN
dYdX: Governance
0 ETH0.0037991939.06470675
Submit Vote185923562023-11-17 15:01:23181 days ago1700233283IN
dYdX: Governance
0 ETH0.0043754842.27722463
Submit Vote By S...185890852023-11-17 4:01:23182 days ago1700193683IN
dYdX: Governance
0 ETH0.002451222.50812075
Submit Vote185890512023-11-17 3:54:35182 days ago1700193275IN
dYdX: Governance
0 ETH0.0018843319.37535511
Submit Vote185889862023-11-17 3:41:35182 days ago1700192495IN
dYdX: Governance
0 ETH0.0024308223.40933245
Submit Vote185870862023-11-16 21:18:47182 days ago1700169527IN
dYdX: Governance
0 ETH0.0030625531.61707647
Submit Vote185863712023-11-16 18:54:35182 days ago1700160875IN
dYdX: Governance
0 ETH0.0051597953.05481692
Submit Vote185863142023-11-16 18:43:11182 days ago1700160191IN
dYdX: Governance
0 ETH0.0037890338.96015338
Submit Vote185856342023-11-16 16:26:35182 days ago1700151995IN
dYdX: Governance
0 ETH0.0054361555.89645214
Submit Vote By S...185852522023-11-16 15:09:59182 days ago1700147399IN
dYdX: Governance
0 ETH0.0051629540.87394258
Submit Vote185850642023-11-16 14:32:23182 days ago1700145143IN
dYdX: Governance
0 ETH0.0034072935.17611926
Submit Vote By S...185845682023-11-16 12:52:35182 days ago1700139155IN
dYdX: Governance
0 ETH0.0032907132.17611044
Submit Vote By S...185843242023-11-16 12:03:47182 days ago1700136227IN
dYdX: Governance
0 ETH0.0045457944.28438135
Submit Vote185838112023-11-16 10:20:35182 days ago1700130035IN
dYdX: Governance
0 ETH0.0027741626.81648752
Submit Vote185831442023-11-16 8:06:23182 days ago1700121983IN
dYdX: Governance
0 ETH0.0032588131.50131165
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File 1 of 13 : DydxGovernor.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
// Contracts by dYdX Foundation. Individual files are released under different licenses.

pragma solidity 0.7.5;
pragma abicoder v2;

import { AccessControl } from '../dependencies/open-zeppelin/AccessControl.sol';
import { SafeMath } from '../dependencies/open-zeppelin/SafeMath.sol';
import { IDydxGovernor } from '../interfaces/IDydxGovernor.sol';
import { IExecutorWithTimelock } from '../interfaces/IExecutorWithTimelock.sol';
import { IGovernanceStrategy } from '../interfaces/IGovernanceStrategy.sol';
import { IProposalValidator } from '../interfaces/IProposalValidator.sol';
import { IVotingStrategy } from '../interfaces/IVotingStrategy.sol';
import { isContract, getChainId } from '../misc/Helpers.sol';

 * @title dYdX governor contract.
 * @author dYdX
 * @notice Main point of interaction for dYdX governance. Holds governance proposals. Delegates to
 *  the governance strategy contract to determine how voting and proposing powers are counted. The
 *  content of a proposal is a sequence of function calls. These function calls must be made
 *  through authorized executor contracts.
 *  Functionality includes:
 *    - Create a proposal
 *    - Cancel a proposal
 *    - Queue a proposal
 *    - Execute a proposal
 *    - Submit a vote to a proposal
 *  Proposal state transitions in success case:
 *    Pending => Active => Succeeded => Queued => Executed
 *  Proposal state transitions in failure cases:
 *    Pending => Active => Failed
 *    Pending => Active => Succeeded => Queued => Expired
 *    Pending => Canceled
 *    Pending => Active => Canceled
 *    Pending => Active => Succeeded => Canceled
 *    Pending => Active => Succeeded => Queued => Canceled
contract DydxGovernor is
  using SafeMath for uint256;

  // ============ Constants ============

  bytes32 public constant OWNER_ROLE = keccak256('OWNER_ROLE');
  bytes32 public constant ADD_EXECUTOR_ROLE = keccak256('ADD_EXECUTOR_ROLE');

  // ============ Storage ============

  address private _governanceStrategy;
  uint256 private _votingDelay;
  uint256 private _proposalsCount;
  mapping(uint256 => Proposal) private _proposals;
  mapping(address => bool) private _authorizedExecutors;

  bytes32 public constant DOMAIN_TYPEHASH = keccak256(
    'EIP712Domain(string name,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)'
  bytes32 public constant VOTE_EMITTED_TYPEHASH = keccak256(
    'VoteEmitted(uint256 id,bool support)'
  string public constant EIP712_DOMAIN_NAME = 'dYdX Governance';

    address governanceStrategy,
    uint256 votingDelay,
    address addExecutorAdmin
  ) {

    // Assign roles.
    _setupRole(OWNER_ROLE, msg.sender);
    _setupRole(ADD_EXECUTOR_ROLE, addExecutorAdmin);

    // Set OWNER_ROLE as the admin for all roles.
    _setRoleAdmin(OWNER_ROLE, OWNER_ROLE);

  struct CreateVars {
    uint256 startBlock;
    uint256 endBlock;
    uint256 previousProposalsCount;

   * @notice Creates a Proposal (needs to be validated by the Proposal Validator)
   * @param executor The ExecutorWithTimelock contract that will execute the proposal
   * @param targets list of contracts called by proposal's associated transactions
   * @param values list of value in wei for each propoposal's associated transaction
   * @param signatures list of function signatures (can be empty) to be used when created the callData
   * @param calldatas list of calldatas: if associated signature empty, calldata ready, else calldata is arguments
   * @param withDelegatecalls boolean, true = transaction delegatecalls the taget, else calls the target
   * @param ipfsHash IPFS hash of the proposal
  function create(
    IExecutorWithTimelock executor,
    address[] memory targets,
    uint256[] memory values,
    string[] memory signatures,
    bytes[] memory calldatas,
    bool[] memory withDelegatecalls,
    bytes32 ipfsHash
  ) external override returns (uint256) {
    require(targets.length != 0, 'INVALID_EMPTY_TARGETS');
      targets.length == values.length &&
        targets.length == signatures.length &&
        targets.length == calldatas.length &&
        targets.length == withDelegatecalls.length,

    require(isExecutorAuthorized(address(executor)), 'EXECUTOR_NOT_AUTHORIZED');

        block.number - 1

    CreateVars memory vars;

    vars.startBlock = block.number.add(_votingDelay);
    vars.endBlock = vars.startBlock.add(IProposalValidator(address(executor)).VOTING_DURATION());

    vars.previousProposalsCount = _proposalsCount;

    Proposal storage newProposal = _proposals[vars.previousProposalsCount]; = vars.previousProposalsCount;
    newProposal.creator = msg.sender;
    newProposal.executor = executor;
    newProposal.targets = targets;
    newProposal.values = values;
    newProposal.signatures = signatures;
    newProposal.calldatas = calldatas;
    newProposal.withDelegatecalls = withDelegatecalls;
    newProposal.startBlock = vars.startBlock;
    newProposal.endBlock = vars.endBlock;
    newProposal.strategy = _governanceStrategy;
    newProposal.ipfsHash = ipfsHash;
    _proposalsCount = vars.previousProposalsCount + 1;

    emit ProposalCreated(


   * @dev Cancels a Proposal. Callable by anyone if the conditions on the executor are fulfilled.
   * @param proposalId id of the proposal
  function cancel(uint256 proposalId) external override {
    ProposalState state = getProposalState(proposalId);
      state != ProposalState.Canceled &&
        state != ProposalState.Failed &&
        state != ProposalState.Expired &&
        state != ProposalState.Executed,

    Proposal storage proposal = _proposals[proposalId];
        block.number - 1
    proposal.canceled = true;
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < proposal.targets.length; i++) {

    emit ProposalCanceled(proposalId);

   * @dev Queue the proposal. Requires that the proposal succeeded.
   * @param proposalId id of the proposal to queue
  function queue(uint256 proposalId) external override {
    require(getProposalState(proposalId) == ProposalState.Succeeded, 'INVALID_STATE_FOR_QUEUE');
    Proposal storage proposal = _proposals[proposalId];
    uint256 executionTime = block.timestamp.add(proposal.executor.getDelay());
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < proposal.targets.length; i++) {
    proposal.executionTime = executionTime;

    emit ProposalQueued(proposalId, executionTime, msg.sender);

   * @dev Execute the proposal. Requires that the proposal is queued.
   * @param proposalId id of the proposal to execute
  function execute(uint256 proposalId) external payable override {
    require(getProposalState(proposalId) == ProposalState.Queued, 'ONLY_QUEUED_PROPOSALS');
    Proposal storage proposal = _proposals[proposalId];
    proposal.executed = true;
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < proposal.targets.length; i++) {
      proposal.executor.executeTransaction{value: proposal.values[i]}(
    emit ProposalExecuted(proposalId, msg.sender);

   * @dev Function allowing msg.sender to vote for/against a proposal
   * @param proposalId id of the proposal
   * @param support boolean, true = vote for, false = vote against
  function submitVote(uint256 proposalId, bool support) external override {
    return _submitVote(msg.sender, proposalId, support);

   * @dev Function to register the vote of user that has voted offchain via signature
   * @param proposalId id of the proposal
   * @param support boolean, true = vote for, false = vote against
   * @param v v part of the voter signature
   * @param r r part of the voter signature
   * @param s s part of the voter signature
  function submitVoteBySignature(
    uint256 proposalId,
    bool support,
    uint8 v,
    bytes32 r,
    bytes32 s
  ) external override {
    bytes32 digest = keccak256(
        keccak256(abi.encode(VOTE_EMITTED_TYPEHASH, proposalId, support))
    address signer = ecrecover(digest, v, r, s);
    require(signer != address(0), 'INVALID_SIGNATURE');
    return _submitVote(signer, proposalId, support);

   * @dev Set new GovernanceStrategy
   * Note: owner should be a timelocked executor, so needs to make a proposal
   * @param governanceStrategy new Address of the GovernanceStrategy contract
  function setGovernanceStrategy(address governanceStrategy)

   * @dev Set new Voting Delay (delay before a newly created proposal can be voted on)
   * Note: owner should be a timelocked executor, so needs to make a proposal
   * @param votingDelay new voting delay in terms of blocks
  function setVotingDelay(uint256 votingDelay)

   * @dev Add new addresses to the list of authorized executors
   * @param executors list of new addresses to be authorized executors
  function authorizeExecutors(address[] memory executors)
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < executors.length; i++) {

   * @dev Remove addresses to the list of authorized executors
   * @param executors list of addresses to be removed as authorized executors
  function unauthorizeExecutors(address[] memory executors)
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < executors.length; i++) {

   * @dev Getter of the current GovernanceStrategy address
   * @return The address of the current GovernanceStrategy contracts
  function getGovernanceStrategy() external view override returns (address) {
    return _governanceStrategy;

   * @dev Getter of the current Voting Delay (delay before a created proposal can be voted on)
   * Different from the voting duration
   * @return The voting delay in number of blocks
  function getVotingDelay() external view override returns (uint256) {
    return _votingDelay;

   * @dev Returns whether an address is an authorized executor
   * @param executor address to evaluate as authorized executor
   * @return true if authorized
  function isExecutorAuthorized(address executor) public view override returns (bool) {
    return _authorizedExecutors[executor];

   * @dev Getter of the proposal count (the current number of proposals ever created)
   * @return the proposal count
  function getProposalsCount() external view override returns (uint256) {
    return _proposalsCount;

   * @dev Getter of a proposal by id
   * @param proposalId id of the proposal to get
   * @return the proposal as ProposalWithoutVotes memory object
  function getProposalById(uint256 proposalId)
    returns (ProposalWithoutVotes memory)
    Proposal storage proposal = _proposals[proposalId];
    ProposalWithoutVotes memory proposalWithoutVotes = ProposalWithoutVotes({
      creator: proposal.creator,
      executor: proposal.executor,
      targets: proposal.targets,
      values: proposal.values,
      signatures: proposal.signatures,
      calldatas: proposal.calldatas,
      withDelegatecalls: proposal.withDelegatecalls,
      startBlock: proposal.startBlock,
      endBlock: proposal.endBlock,
      executionTime: proposal.executionTime,
      forVotes: proposal.forVotes,
      againstVotes: proposal.againstVotes,
      executed: proposal.executed,
      canceled: proposal.canceled,
      strategy: proposal.strategy,
      ipfsHash: proposal.ipfsHash

    return proposalWithoutVotes;

   * @notice Get information about a voter's vote on a proposal.
   * Note: Vote is a struct: ({bool support, uint248 votingPower})
   * @param proposalId id of the proposal
   * @param voter address of the voter
   * @return The associated Vote object
  function getVoteOnProposal(uint256 proposalId, address voter)
    returns (Vote memory)
    return _proposals[proposalId].votes[voter];

   * @notice Get the current state of a proposal.
   * @param proposalId id of the proposal
   * @return The current state of the proposal
  function getProposalState(uint256 proposalId) public view override returns (ProposalState) {
    require(_proposalsCount > proposalId, 'INVALID_PROPOSAL_ID');
    Proposal storage proposal = _proposals[proposalId];
    if (proposal.canceled) {
      return ProposalState.Canceled;
    } else if (block.number <= proposal.startBlock) {
      return ProposalState.Pending;
    } else if (block.number <= proposal.endBlock) {
      return ProposalState.Active;
    } else if (!IProposalValidator(address(proposal.executor)).isProposalPassed(this, proposalId)) {
      return ProposalState.Failed;
    } else if (proposal.executionTime == 0) {
      return ProposalState.Succeeded;
    } else if (proposal.executed) {
      return ProposalState.Executed;
    } else if (proposal.executor.isProposalOverGracePeriod(this, proposalId)) {
      return ProposalState.Expired;
    } else {
      return ProposalState.Queued;

  function _queueOrRevert(
    IExecutorWithTimelock executor,
    address target,
    uint256 value,
    string memory signature,
    bytes memory callData,
    uint256 executionTime,
    bool withDelegatecall
  ) internal {
        keccak256(abi.encode(target, value, signature, callData, executionTime, withDelegatecall))
    executor.queueTransaction(target, value, signature, callData, executionTime, withDelegatecall);

  function _submitVote(
    address voter,
    uint256 proposalId,
    bool support
  ) internal {
    require(getProposalState(proposalId) == ProposalState.Active, 'VOTING_CLOSED');
    Proposal storage proposal = _proposals[proposalId];
    Vote storage vote = proposal.votes[voter];

    require(vote.votingPower == 0, 'VOTE_ALREADY_SUBMITTED');

    uint256 votingPower = IVotingStrategy(proposal.strategy).getVotingPowerAt(

    if (support) {
      proposal.forVotes = proposal.forVotes.add(votingPower);
    } else {
      proposal.againstVotes = proposal.againstVotes.add(votingPower);
    } = support;
    vote.votingPower = uint248(votingPower);

    emit VoteEmitted(proposalId, voter, support, votingPower);

  function _setGovernanceStrategy(address governanceStrategy) internal {
    _governanceStrategy = governanceStrategy;

    emit GovernanceStrategyChanged(governanceStrategy, msg.sender);

  function _setVotingDelay(uint256 votingDelay) internal {
    _votingDelay = votingDelay;

    emit VotingDelayChanged(votingDelay, msg.sender);

  function _authorizeExecutor(address executor) internal {
    _authorizedExecutors[executor] = true;
    emit ExecutorAuthorized(executor);

  function _unauthorizeExecutor(address executor) internal {
    _authorizedExecutors[executor] = false;
    emit ExecutorUnauthorized(executor);

File 2 of 13 : AccessControl.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.7.5;

import "./Context.sol";
import "./Strings.sol";
import "./ERC165.sol";

 * @dev External interface of AccessControl declared to support ERC165 detection.
interface IAccessControl {
    function hasRole(bytes32 role, address account) external view returns (bool);

    function getRoleAdmin(bytes32 role) external view returns (bytes32);

    function grantRole(bytes32 role, address account) external;

    function revokeRole(bytes32 role, address account) external;

    function renounceRole(bytes32 role, address account) external;

 * @dev Contract module that allows children to implement role-based access
 * control mechanisms. This is a lightweight version that doesn't allow enumerating role
 * members except through off-chain means by accessing the contract event logs. Some
 * applications may benefit from on-chain enumerability, for those cases see
 * {AccessControlEnumerable}.
 * Roles are referred to by their `bytes32` identifier. These should be exposed
 * in the external API and be unique. The best way to achieve this is by
 * using `public constant` hash digests:
 * ```
 * bytes32 public constant MY_ROLE = keccak256("MY_ROLE");
 * ```
 * Roles can be used to represent a set of permissions. To restrict access to a
 * function call, use {hasRole}:
 * ```
 * function foo() public {
 *     require(hasRole(MY_ROLE, msg.sender));
 *     ...
 * }
 * ```
 * Roles can be granted and revoked dynamically via the {grantRole} and
 * {revokeRole} functions. Each role has an associated admin role, and only
 * accounts that have a role's admin role can call {grantRole} and {revokeRole}.
 * By default, the admin role for all roles is `DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE`, which means
 * that only accounts with this role will be able to grant or revoke other
 * roles. More complex role relationships can be created by using
 * {_setRoleAdmin}.
 * WARNING: The `DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE` is also its own admin: it has permission to
 * grant and revoke this role. Extra precautions should be taken to secure
 * accounts that have been granted it.
abstract contract AccessControl is Context, IAccessControl, ERC165 {
    struct RoleData {
        mapping(address => bool) members;
        bytes32 adminRole;

    mapping(bytes32 => RoleData) private _roles;

    bytes32 public constant DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE = 0x00;

     * @dev Emitted when `newAdminRole` is set as ``role``'s admin role, replacing `previousAdminRole`
     * `DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE` is the starting admin for all roles, despite
     * {RoleAdminChanged} not being emitted signaling this.
     * _Available since v3.1._
    event RoleAdminChanged(bytes32 indexed role, bytes32 indexed previousAdminRole, bytes32 indexed newAdminRole);

     * @dev Emitted when `account` is granted `role`.
     * `sender` is the account that originated the contract call, an admin role
     * bearer except when using {_setupRole}.
    event RoleGranted(bytes32 indexed role, address indexed account, address indexed sender);

     * @dev Emitted when `account` is revoked `role`.
     * `sender` is the account that originated the contract call:
     *   - if using `revokeRole`, it is the admin role bearer
     *   - if using `renounceRole`, it is the role bearer (i.e. `account`)
    event RoleRevoked(bytes32 indexed role, address indexed account, address indexed sender);

     * @dev Modifier that checks that an account has a specific role. Reverts
     * with a standardized message including the required role.
     * The format of the revert reason is given by the following regular expression:
     *  /^AccessControl: account (0x[0-9a-f]{20}) is missing role (0x[0-9a-f]{32})$/
     * _Available since v4.1._
    modifier onlyRole(bytes32 role) {
        _checkRole(role, _msgSender());

     * @dev See {IERC165-supportsInterface}.
    function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public view virtual override returns (bool) {
        return interfaceId == type(IAccessControl).interfaceId || super.supportsInterface(interfaceId);

     * @dev Returns `true` if `account` has been granted `role`.
    function hasRole(bytes32 role, address account) public view override returns (bool) {
        return _roles[role].members[account];

     * @dev Revert with a standard message if `account` is missing `role`.
     * The format of the revert reason is given by the following regular expression:
     *  /^AccessControl: account (0x[0-9a-f]{20}) is missing role (0x[0-9a-f]{32})$/
    function _checkRole(bytes32 role, address account) internal view {
        if (!hasRole(role, account)) {
                        "AccessControl: account ",
                        Strings.toHexString(uint160(account), 20),
                        " is missing role ",
                        Strings.toHexString(uint256(role), 32)

     * @dev Returns the admin role that controls `role`. See {grantRole} and
     * {revokeRole}.
     * To change a role's admin, use {_setRoleAdmin}.
    function getRoleAdmin(bytes32 role) public view override returns (bytes32) {
        return _roles[role].adminRole;

     * @dev Grants `role` to `account`.
     * If `account` had not been already granted `role`, emits a {RoleGranted}
     * event.
     * Requirements:
     * - the caller must have ``role``'s admin role.
    function grantRole(bytes32 role, address account) public virtual override onlyRole(getRoleAdmin(role)) {
        _grantRole(role, account);

     * @dev Revokes `role` from `account`.
     * If `account` had been granted `role`, emits a {RoleRevoked} event.
     * Requirements:
     * - the caller must have ``role``'s admin role.
    function revokeRole(bytes32 role, address account) public virtual override onlyRole(getRoleAdmin(role)) {
        _revokeRole(role, account);

     * @dev Revokes `role` from the calling account.
     * Roles are often managed via {grantRole} and {revokeRole}: this function's
     * purpose is to provide a mechanism for accounts to lose their privileges
     * if they are compromised (such as when a trusted device is misplaced).
     * If the calling account had been granted `role`, emits a {RoleRevoked}
     * event.
     * Requirements:
     * - the caller must be `account`.
    function renounceRole(bytes32 role, address account) public virtual override {
        require(account == _msgSender(), "AccessControl: can only renounce roles for self");

        _revokeRole(role, account);

     * @dev Grants `role` to `account`.
     * If `account` had not been already granted `role`, emits a {RoleGranted}
     * event. Note that unlike {grantRole}, this function doesn't perform any
     * checks on the calling account.
     * [WARNING]
     * ====
     * This function should only be called from the constructor when setting
     * up the initial roles for the system.
     * Using this function in any other way is effectively circumventing the admin
     * system imposed by {AccessControl}.
     * ====
    function _setupRole(bytes32 role, address account) internal virtual {
        _grantRole(role, account);

     * @dev Sets `adminRole` as ``role``'s admin role.
     * Emits a {RoleAdminChanged} event.
    function _setRoleAdmin(bytes32 role, bytes32 adminRole) internal virtual {
        emit RoleAdminChanged(role, getRoleAdmin(role), adminRole);
        _roles[role].adminRole = adminRole;

    function _grantRole(bytes32 role, address account) private {
        if (!hasRole(role, account)) {
            _roles[role].members[account] = true;
            emit RoleGranted(role, account, _msgSender());

    function _revokeRole(bytes32 role, address account) private {
        if (hasRole(role, account)) {
            _roles[role].members[account] = false;
            emit RoleRevoked(role, account, _msgSender());

File 3 of 13 : Context.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.7.5;

 * @dev Provides information about the current execution context, including the
 * sender of the transaction and its data. While these are generally available
 * via msg.sender and, they should not be accessed in such a direct
 * manner, since when dealing with GSN meta-transactions the account sending and
 * paying for execution may not be the actual sender (as far as an application
 * is concerned).
 * This contract is only required for intermediate, library-like contracts.
abstract contract Context {
  function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address payable) {
    return msg.sender;

  function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes memory) {
    this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see

File 4 of 13 : Strings.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.7.5;

 * @dev String operations.
library Strings {
  bytes16 private constant alphabet = '0123456789abcdef';

   * @dev Converts a `uint256` to its ASCII `string` decimal representation.
  function toString(uint256 value) internal pure returns (string memory) {
    // Inspired by OraclizeAPI's implementation - MIT licence

    if (value == 0) {
      return '0';
    uint256 temp = value;
    uint256 digits;
    while (temp != 0) {
      temp /= 10;
    bytes memory buffer = new bytes(digits);
    while (value != 0) {
      digits -= 1;
      buffer[digits] = bytes1(uint8(48 + uint256(value % 10)));
      value /= 10;
    return string(buffer);

   * @dev Converts a `uint256` to its ASCII `string` hexadecimal representation.
  function toHexString(uint256 value) internal pure returns (string memory) {
    if (value == 0) {
      return '0x00';
    uint256 temp = value;
    uint256 length = 0;
    while (temp != 0) {
      temp >>= 8;
    return toHexString(value, length);

   * @dev Converts a `uint256` to its ASCII `string` hexadecimal representation with fixed length.
  function toHexString(uint256 value, uint256 length) internal pure returns (string memory) {
    bytes memory buffer = new bytes(2 * length + 2);
    buffer[0] = '0';
    buffer[1] = 'x';
    for (uint256 i = 2 * length + 1; i > 1; --i) {
      buffer[i] = alphabet[value & 0xf];
      value >>= 4;
    require(value == 0, 'Strings: hex length insufficient');
    return string(buffer);

File 5 of 13 : ERC165.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.7.5;

import './IERC165.sol';

 * @dev Implementation of the {IERC165} interface.
 * Contracts that want to implement ERC165 should inherit from this contract and override {supportsInterface} to check
 * for the additional interface id that will be supported. For example:
 * ```solidity
 * function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public view virtual override returns (bool) {
 *     return interfaceId == type(MyInterface).interfaceId || super.supportsInterface(interfaceId);
 * }
 * ```
 * Alternatively, {ERC165Storage} provides an easier to use but more expensive implementation.
abstract contract ERC165 is IERC165 {
   * @dev See {IERC165-supportsInterface}.
  function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public view virtual override returns (bool) {
    return interfaceId == type(IERC165).interfaceId;

File 6 of 13 : IERC165.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.7.5;

 * @dev Interface of the ERC165 standard, as defined in the
 * Implementers can declare support of contract interfaces, which can then be
 * queried by others ({ERC165Checker}).
 * For an implementation, see {ERC165}.
interface IERC165 {
   * @dev Returns true if this contract implements the interface defined by
   * `interfaceId`. See the corresponding
   *[EIP section]
   * to learn more about how these ids are created.
   * This function call must use less than 30 000 gas.
  function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) external view returns (bool);

File 8 of 13 : SafeMath.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.7.5;

 * @dev Wrappers over Solidity's arithmetic operations with added overflow
 * checks.
 * Arithmetic operations in Solidity wrap on overflow. This can easily result
 * in bugs, because programmers usually assume that an overflow raises an
 * error, which is the standard behavior in high level programming languages.
 * `SafeMath` restores this intuition by reverting the transaction when an
 * operation overflows.
 * Using this library instead of the unchecked operations eliminates an entire
 * class of bugs, so it's recommended to use it always.
library SafeMath {
   * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on
   * overflow.
   * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator.
   * Requirements:
   * - Addition cannot overflow.
  function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    uint256 c = a + b;
    require(c >= a, 'SafeMath: addition overflow');

    return c;

   * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on
   * overflow (when the result is negative).
   * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator.
   * Requirements:
   * - Subtraction cannot overflow.
  function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    return sub(a, b, 'SafeMath: subtraction overflow');

   * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on
   * overflow (when the result is negative).
   * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator.
   * Requirements:
   * - Subtraction cannot overflow.
  function sub(
    uint256 a,
    uint256 b,
    string memory errorMessage
  ) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    require(b <= a, errorMessage);
    uint256 c = a - b;

    return c;

   * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on
   * overflow.
   * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator.
   * Requirements:
   * - Multiplication cannot overflow.
  function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the
    // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested.
    // See:
    if (a == 0) {
      return 0;

    uint256 c = a * b;
    require(c / a == b, 'SafeMath: multiplication overflow');

    return c;

   * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on
   * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero.
   * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a
   * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity
   * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas).
   * Requirements:
   * - The divisor cannot be zero.
  function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    return div(a, b, 'SafeMath: division by zero');

   * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on
   * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero.
   * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a
   * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity
   * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas).
   * Requirements:
   * - The divisor cannot be zero.
  function div(
    uint256 a,
    uint256 b,
    string memory errorMessage
  ) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    // Solidity only automatically asserts when dividing by 0
    require(b > 0, errorMessage);
    uint256 c = a / b;
    // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold

    return c;

   * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo),
   * Reverts when dividing by zero.
   * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert`
   * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an
   * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas).
   * Requirements:
   * - The divisor cannot be zero.
  function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    return mod(a, b, 'SafeMath: modulo by zero');

   * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo),
   * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero.
   * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert`
   * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an
   * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas).
   * Requirements:
   * - The divisor cannot be zero.
  function mod(
    uint256 a,
    uint256 b,
    string memory errorMessage
  ) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    require(b != 0, errorMessage);
    return a % b;

File 9 of 13 : IDydxGovernor.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
pragma solidity 0.7.5;
pragma abicoder v2;

import { IExecutorWithTimelock } from './IExecutorWithTimelock.sol';

interface IDydxGovernor {

  enum ProposalState {

  struct Vote {
    bool support;
    uint248 votingPower;

  struct Proposal {
    uint256 id;
    address creator;
    IExecutorWithTimelock executor;
    address[] targets;
    uint256[] values;
    string[] signatures;
    bytes[] calldatas;
    bool[] withDelegatecalls;
    uint256 startBlock;
    uint256 endBlock;
    uint256 executionTime;
    uint256 forVotes;
    uint256 againstVotes;
    bool executed;
    bool canceled;
    address strategy;
    bytes32 ipfsHash;
    mapping(address => Vote) votes;

  struct ProposalWithoutVotes {
    uint256 id;
    address creator;
    IExecutorWithTimelock executor;
    address[] targets;
    uint256[] values;
    string[] signatures;
    bytes[] calldatas;
    bool[] withDelegatecalls;
    uint256 startBlock;
    uint256 endBlock;
    uint256 executionTime;
    uint256 forVotes;
    uint256 againstVotes;
    bool executed;
    bool canceled;
    address strategy;
    bytes32 ipfsHash;

   * @dev emitted when a new proposal is created
   * @param id Id of the proposal
   * @param creator address of the creator
   * @param executor The ExecutorWithTimelock contract that will execute the proposal
   * @param targets list of contracts called by proposal's associated transactions
   * @param values list of value in wei for each propoposal's associated transaction
   * @param signatures list of function signatures (can be empty) to be used when created the callData
   * @param calldatas list of calldatas: if associated signature empty, calldata ready, else calldata is arguments
   * @param withDelegatecalls boolean, true = transaction delegatecalls the taget, else calls the target
   * @param startBlock block number when vote starts
   * @param endBlock block number when vote ends
   * @param strategy address of the governanceStrategy contract
   * @param ipfsHash IPFS hash of the proposal
  event ProposalCreated(
    uint256 id,
    address indexed creator,
    IExecutorWithTimelock indexed executor,
    address[] targets,
    uint256[] values,
    string[] signatures,
    bytes[] calldatas,
    bool[] withDelegatecalls,
    uint256 startBlock,
    uint256 endBlock,
    address strategy,
    bytes32 ipfsHash

   * @dev emitted when a proposal is canceled
   * @param id Id of the proposal
  event ProposalCanceled(uint256 id);

   * @dev emitted when a proposal is queued
   * @param id Id of the proposal
   * @param executionTime time when proposal underlying transactions can be executed
   * @param initiatorQueueing address of the initiator of the queuing transaction
  event ProposalQueued(uint256 id, uint256 executionTime, address indexed initiatorQueueing);
   * @dev emitted when a proposal is executed
   * @param id Id of the proposal
   * @param initiatorExecution address of the initiator of the execution transaction
  event ProposalExecuted(uint256 id, address indexed initiatorExecution);
   * @dev emitted when a vote is registered
   * @param id Id of the proposal
   * @param voter address of the voter
   * @param support boolean, true = vote for, false = vote against
   * @param votingPower Power of the voter/vote
  event VoteEmitted(uint256 id, address indexed voter, bool support, uint256 votingPower);

  event GovernanceStrategyChanged(address indexed newStrategy, address indexed initiatorChange);

  event VotingDelayChanged(uint256 newVotingDelay, address indexed initiatorChange);

  event ExecutorAuthorized(address executor);

  event ExecutorUnauthorized(address executor);

   * @dev Creates a Proposal (needs Proposition Power of creator > Threshold)
   * @param executor The ExecutorWithTimelock contract that will execute the proposal
   * @param targets list of contracts called by proposal's associated transactions
   * @param values list of value in wei for each propoposal's associated transaction
   * @param signatures list of function signatures (can be empty) to be used when created the callData
   * @param calldatas list of calldatas: if associated signature empty, calldata ready, else calldata is arguments
   * @param withDelegatecalls if true, transaction delegatecalls the taget, else calls the target
   * @param ipfsHash IPFS hash of the proposal
  function create(
    IExecutorWithTimelock executor,
    address[] memory targets,
    uint256[] memory values,
    string[] memory signatures,
    bytes[] memory calldatas,
    bool[] memory withDelegatecalls,
    bytes32 ipfsHash
  ) external returns (uint256);

   * @dev Cancels a Proposal, when proposal is Pending/Active and threshold no longer reached
   * @param proposalId id of the proposal
  function cancel(uint256 proposalId) external;

   * @dev Queue the proposal (If Proposal Succeeded)
   * @param proposalId id of the proposal to queue
  function queue(uint256 proposalId) external;

   * @dev Execute the proposal (If Proposal Queued)
   * @param proposalId id of the proposal to execute
  function execute(uint256 proposalId) external payable;

   * @dev Function allowing msg.sender to vote for/against a proposal
   * @param proposalId id of the proposal
   * @param support boolean, true = vote for, false = vote against
  function submitVote(uint256 proposalId, bool support) external;

   * @dev Function to register the vote of user that has voted offchain via signature
   * @param proposalId id of the proposal
   * @param support boolean, true = vote for, false = vote against
   * @param v v part of the voter signature
   * @param r r part of the voter signature
   * @param s s part of the voter signature
  function submitVoteBySignature(
    uint256 proposalId,
    bool support,
    uint8 v,
    bytes32 r,
    bytes32 s
  ) external;

   * @dev Set new GovernanceStrategy
   * Note: owner should be a timelocked executor, so needs to make a proposal
   * @param governanceStrategy new Address of the GovernanceStrategy contract
  function setGovernanceStrategy(address governanceStrategy) external;

   * @dev Set new Voting Delay (delay before a newly created proposal can be voted on)
   * Note: owner should be a timelocked executor, so needs to make a proposal
   * @param votingDelay new voting delay in seconds
  function setVotingDelay(uint256 votingDelay) external;

   * @dev Add new addresses to the list of authorized executors
   * @param executors list of new addresses to be authorized executors
  function authorizeExecutors(address[] memory executors) external;

   * @dev Remove addresses to the list of authorized executors
   * @param executors list of addresses to be removed as authorized executors
  function unauthorizeExecutors(address[] memory executors) external;

   * @dev Getter of the current GovernanceStrategy address
   * @return The address of the current GovernanceStrategy contracts
  function getGovernanceStrategy() external view returns (address);

   * @dev Getter of the current Voting Delay (delay before a created proposal can be voted on)
   * Different from the voting duration
   * @return The voting delay in seconds
  function getVotingDelay() external view returns (uint256);

   * @dev Returns whether an address is an authorized executor
   * @param executor address to evaluate as authorized executor
   * @return true if authorized
  function isExecutorAuthorized(address executor) external view returns (bool);

   * @dev Getter of the proposal count (the current number of proposals ever created)
   * @return the proposal count
  function getProposalsCount() external view returns (uint256);

   * @dev Getter of a proposal by id
   * @param proposalId id of the proposal to get
   * @return the proposal as ProposalWithoutVotes memory object
  function getProposalById(uint256 proposalId) external view returns (ProposalWithoutVotes memory);

   * @dev Getter of the Vote of a voter about a proposal
   * Note: Vote is a struct: ({bool support, uint248 votingPower})
   * @param proposalId id of the proposal
   * @param voter address of the voter
   * @return The associated Vote memory object
  function getVoteOnProposal(uint256 proposalId, address voter) external view returns (Vote memory);

   * @dev Get the current state of a proposal
   * @param proposalId id of the proposal
   * @return The current state if the proposal
  function getProposalState(uint256 proposalId) external view returns (ProposalState);

File 10 of 13 : IExecutorWithTimelock.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
pragma solidity 0.7.5;
pragma abicoder v2;

import { IDydxGovernor } from './IDydxGovernor.sol';

interface IExecutorWithTimelock {
   * @dev emitted when a new pending admin is set
   * @param newPendingAdmin address of the new pending admin
  event NewPendingAdmin(address newPendingAdmin);

   * @dev emitted when a new admin is set
   * @param newAdmin address of the new admin
  event NewAdmin(address newAdmin);

   * @dev emitted when a new delay (between queueing and execution) is set
   * @param delay new delay
  event NewDelay(uint256 delay);

   * @dev emitted when a new (trans)action is Queued.
   * @param actionHash hash of the action
   * @param target address of the targeted contract
   * @param value wei value of the transaction
   * @param signature function signature of the transaction
   * @param data function arguments of the transaction or callData if signature empty
   * @param executionTime time at which to execute the transaction
   * @param withDelegatecall boolean, true = transaction delegatecalls the target, else calls the target
  event QueuedAction(
    bytes32 actionHash,
    address indexed target,
    uint256 value,
    string signature,
    bytes data,
    uint256 executionTime,
    bool withDelegatecall

   * @dev emitted when an action is Cancelled
   * @param actionHash hash of the action
   * @param target address of the targeted contract
   * @param value wei value of the transaction
   * @param signature function signature of the transaction
   * @param data function arguments of the transaction or callData if signature empty
   * @param executionTime time at which to execute the transaction
   * @param withDelegatecall boolean, true = transaction delegatecalls the target, else calls the target
  event CancelledAction(
    bytes32 actionHash,
    address indexed target,
    uint256 value,
    string signature,
    bytes data,
    uint256 executionTime,
    bool withDelegatecall

   * @dev emitted when an action is Cancelled
   * @param actionHash hash of the action
   * @param target address of the targeted contract
   * @param value wei value of the transaction
   * @param signature function signature of the transaction
   * @param data function arguments of the transaction or callData if signature empty
   * @param executionTime time at which to execute the transaction
   * @param withDelegatecall boolean, true = transaction delegatecalls the target, else calls the target
   * @param resultData the actual callData used on the target
  event ExecutedAction(
    bytes32 actionHash,
    address indexed target,
    uint256 value,
    string signature,
    bytes data,
    uint256 executionTime,
    bool withDelegatecall,
    bytes resultData

   * @dev Getter of the current admin address (should be governance)
   * @return The address of the current admin
  function getAdmin() external view returns (address);

   * @dev Getter of the current pending admin address
   * @return The address of the pending admin
  function getPendingAdmin() external view returns (address);

   * @dev Getter of the delay between queuing and execution
   * @return The delay in seconds
  function getDelay() external view returns (uint256);

   * @dev Returns whether an action (via actionHash) is queued
   * @param actionHash hash of the action to be checked
   * keccak256(abi.encode(target, value, signature, data, executionTime, withDelegatecall))
   * @return true if underlying action of actionHash is queued
  function isActionQueued(bytes32 actionHash) external view returns (bool);

   * @dev Checks whether a proposal is over its grace period
   * @param governance Governance contract
   * @param proposalId Id of the proposal against which to test
   * @return true of proposal is over grace period
  function isProposalOverGracePeriod(IDydxGovernor governance, uint256 proposalId)
    returns (bool);

   * @dev Getter of grace period constant
   * @return grace period in seconds
  function GRACE_PERIOD() external view returns (uint256);

   * @dev Getter of minimum delay constant
   * @return minimum delay in seconds
  function MINIMUM_DELAY() external view returns (uint256);

   * @dev Getter of maximum delay constant
   * @return maximum delay in seconds
  function MAXIMUM_DELAY() external view returns (uint256);

   * @dev Function, called by Governance, that queue a transaction, returns action hash
   * @param target smart contract target
   * @param value wei value of the transaction
   * @param signature function signature of the transaction
   * @param data function arguments of the transaction or callData if signature empty
   * @param executionTime time at which to execute the transaction
   * @param withDelegatecall boolean, true = transaction delegatecalls the target, else calls the target
  function queueTransaction(
    address target,
    uint256 value,
    string memory signature,
    bytes memory data,
    uint256 executionTime,
    bool withDelegatecall
  ) external returns (bytes32);

   * @dev Function, called by Governance, that executes a transaction, returns the callData executed
   * @param target smart contract target
   * @param value wei value of the transaction
   * @param signature function signature of the transaction
   * @param data function arguments of the transaction or callData if signature empty
   * @param executionTime time at which to execute the transaction
   * @param withDelegatecall boolean, true = transaction delegatecalls the target, else calls the target
  function executeTransaction(
    address target,
    uint256 value,
    string memory signature,
    bytes memory data,
    uint256 executionTime,
    bool withDelegatecall
  ) external payable returns (bytes memory);

   * @dev Function, called by Governance, that cancels a transaction, returns action hash
   * @param target smart contract target
   * @param value wei value of the transaction
   * @param signature function signature of the transaction
   * @param data function arguments of the transaction or callData if signature empty
   * @param executionTime time at which to execute the transaction
   * @param withDelegatecall boolean, true = transaction delegatecalls the target, else calls the target
  function cancelTransaction(
    address target,
    uint256 value,
    string memory signature,
    bytes memory data,
    uint256 executionTime,
    bool withDelegatecall
  ) external returns (bytes32);

File 11 of 13 : IGovernanceStrategy.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
pragma solidity 0.7.5;
pragma abicoder v2;

interface IGovernanceStrategy {

   * @dev Returns the Proposition Power of a user at a specific block number.
   * @param user Address of the user.
   * @param blockNumber Blocknumber at which to fetch Proposition Power
   * @return Power number
  function getPropositionPowerAt(address user, uint256 blockNumber) external view returns (uint256);

   * @dev Returns the total supply of Outstanding Proposition Tokens
   * @param blockNumber Blocknumber at which to evaluate
   * @return total supply at blockNumber
  function getTotalPropositionSupplyAt(uint256 blockNumber) external view returns (uint256);

   * @dev Returns the total supply of Outstanding Voting Tokens
   * @param blockNumber Blocknumber at which to evaluate
   * @return total supply at blockNumber
  function getTotalVotingSupplyAt(uint256 blockNumber) external view returns (uint256);

   * @dev Returns the Vote Power of a user at a specific block number.
   * @param user Address of the user.
   * @param blockNumber Blocknumber at which to fetch Vote Power
   * @return Vote number
  function getVotingPowerAt(address user, uint256 blockNumber) external view returns (uint256);

File 12 of 13 : IProposalValidator.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
pragma solidity 0.7.5;
pragma abicoder v2;

import { IDydxGovernor } from './IDydxGovernor.sol';

interface IProposalValidator {

   * @dev Called to validate a proposal (e.g when creating new proposal in Governance)
   * @param governance Governance Contract
   * @param user Address of the proposal creator
   * @param blockNumber Block Number against which to make the test (e.g proposal creation block -1).
   * @return boolean, true if can be created
  function validateCreatorOfProposal(
    IDydxGovernor governance,
    address user,
    uint256 blockNumber
  ) external view returns (bool);

   * @dev Called to validate the cancellation of a proposal
   * @param governance Governance Contract
   * @param user Address of the proposal creator
   * @param blockNumber Block Number against which to make the test (e.g proposal creation block -1).
   * @return boolean, true if can be cancelled
  function validateProposalCancellation(
    IDydxGovernor governance,
    address user,
    uint256 blockNumber
  ) external view returns (bool);

   * @dev Returns whether a user has enough Proposition Power to make a proposal.
   * @param governance Governance Contract
   * @param user Address of the user to be challenged.
   * @param blockNumber Block Number against which to make the challenge.
   * @return true if user has enough power
  function isPropositionPowerEnough(
    IDydxGovernor governance,
    address user,
    uint256 blockNumber
  ) external view returns (bool);

   * @dev Returns the minimum Proposition Power needed to create a proposition.
   * @param governance Governance Contract
   * @param blockNumber Blocknumber at which to evaluate
   * @return minimum Proposition Power needed
  function getMinimumPropositionPowerNeeded(IDydxGovernor governance, uint256 blockNumber)
    returns (uint256);

   * @dev Returns whether a proposal passed or not
   * @param governance Governance Contract
   * @param proposalId Id of the proposal to set
   * @return true if proposal passed
  function isProposalPassed(IDydxGovernor governance, uint256 proposalId)
    returns (bool);

   * @dev Check whether a proposal has reached quorum, ie has enough FOR-voting-power
   * Here quorum is not to understand as number of votes reached, but number of for-votes reached
   * @param governance Governance Contract
   * @param proposalId Id of the proposal to verify
   * @return voting power needed for a proposal to pass
  function isQuorumValid(IDydxGovernor governance, uint256 proposalId)
    returns (bool);

   * @dev Check whether a proposal has enough extra FOR-votes than AGAINST-votes
   * @param governance Governance Contract
   * @param proposalId Id of the proposal to verify
   * @return true if enough For-Votes
  function isVoteDifferentialValid(IDydxGovernor governance, uint256 proposalId)
    returns (bool);

   * @dev Calculates the minimum amount of Voting Power needed for a proposal to Pass
   * @param votingSupply Total number of oustanding voting tokens
   * @return voting power needed for a proposal to pass
  function getMinimumVotingPowerNeeded(uint256 votingSupply) external view returns (uint256);

   * @dev Get proposition threshold constant value
   * @return the proposition threshold value (100 <=> 1%)
  function PROPOSITION_THRESHOLD() external view returns (uint256);

   * @dev Get voting duration constant value
   * @return the voting duration value in seconds
  function VOTING_DURATION() external view returns (uint256);

   * @dev Get the vote differential threshold constant value
   * to compare with % of for votes/total supply - % of against votes/total supply
   * @return the vote differential threshold value (100 <=> 1%)
  function VOTE_DIFFERENTIAL() external view returns (uint256);

   * @dev Get quorum threshold constant value
   * to compare with % of for votes/total supply
   * @return the quorum threshold value (100 <=> 1%)
  function MINIMUM_QUORUM() external view returns (uint256);

   * @dev precision helper: 100% = 10000
   * @return one hundred percents with our chosen precision
  function ONE_HUNDRED_WITH_PRECISION() external view returns (uint256);

File 13 of 13 : IVotingStrategy.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
pragma solidity 0.7.5;
pragma abicoder v2;

interface IVotingStrategy {
  function getVotingPowerAt(address user, uint256 blockNumber) external view returns (uint256);

File 14 of 13 : Helpers.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
pragma solidity 0.7.5;
pragma abicoder v2;

function getChainId() pure returns (uint256) {
  uint256 chainId;
  assembly {
    chainId := chainid()
  return chainId;

function isContract(address account) view returns (bool) {
  // According to EIP-1052, 0x0 is the value returned for not-yet created accounts
  // and 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470 is returned
  // for accounts without code, i.e. `keccak256('')`
  bytes32 codehash;
  bytes32 accountHash = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470;
  // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
  assembly {
    codehash := extcodehash(account)
  return (codehash != accountHash && codehash != 0x0);

  "optimizer": {
    "enabled": true,
    "runs": 200
  "evmVersion": "istanbul",
  "outputSelection": {
    "*": {
      "*": [
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Deployed Bytecode


Constructor Arguments (ABI-Encoded and is the last bytes of the Contract Creation Code above)


-----Decoded View---------------
Arg [0] : governanceStrategy (address): 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Arg [1] : votingDelay (uint256): 6570
Arg [2] : addExecutorAdmin (address): 0x301DF37d653b281AF83a1DDf4464eF21A622eC83

-----Encoded View---------------
3 Constructor Arguments found :
Arg [0] : 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Arg [1] : 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000019aa
Arg [2] : 000000000000000000000000301df37d653b281af83a1ddf4464ef21a622ec83

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