ETH Price: $3,086.22 (+0.25%)
Gas: 6 Gwei




ETH Balance


Eth Value


Token Holdings

Multichain Info

No addresses found
Transaction Hash
Bridge ETH To199096432024-05-20 7:27:235 hrs ago1716190043IN
0.017 ETH0.000775992.60271837
Bridge ETH To199031562024-05-19 9:41:3527 hrs ago1716111695IN
0.006 ETH0.000843683.31368493
Deposit ERC20To198990422024-05-18 19:54:1140 hrs ago1716062051IN
0 ETH0.000922472.83831853
Bridge ETH To198983492024-05-18 17:34:2343 hrs ago1716053663IN
0.005 ETH0.000856253.45131447
Bridge ETH To198961142024-05-18 10:03:592 days ago1716026639IN
0.75 ETH0.000865883.36787539
Bridge ETH To198886762024-05-17 9:03:473 days ago1715936627IN
0.03 ETH0.0017804412.1813205
Bridge ETH To198884192024-05-17 8:12:113 days ago1715933531IN
0.015 ETH0.00156710.16324938
Bridge ETH To198882012024-05-17 7:27:113 days ago1715930831IN
0.007 ETH0.001167186.37530715
Bridge ETH To198705862024-05-14 20:24:235 days ago1715718263IN
0.012 ETH0.001163346.34021308
Bridge ETH To198591442024-05-13 5:56:117 days ago1715579771IN
0.05 ETH0.000990424.63848167
Bridge ETH To198588662024-05-13 5:00:117 days ago1715576411IN
0.008 ETH0.000855293.3994684
Bridge ETH To198548582024-05-12 15:33:477 days ago1715528027IN
0.01 ETH0.001047835
Bridge ETH To198548552024-05-12 15:33:117 days ago1715527991IN
0.01 ETH0.001057615
Bridge ETH To198545362024-05-12 14:28:357 days ago1715524115IN
0.001 ETH0.001085315.6
Bridge ETH To198536332024-05-12 11:26:358 days ago1715513195IN
0.851 ETH0.000850463.3268574
Bridge ETH To198530452024-05-12 9:27:598 days ago1715506079IN
0.13 ETH0.000898923.83367191
Bridge ETH To198478152024-05-11 15:54:598 days ago1715442899IN
0.00340248 ETH0.001023215
Bridge ETH To198477052024-05-11 15:32:598 days ago1715441579IN
0.00340248 ETH0.001153546
Bridge ETH To198374062024-05-10 4:59:4710 days ago1715317187IN
0.01 ETH0.001057565.30614932
Bridge ETH To198352412024-05-09 21:42:5910 days ago1715290979IN
0.00035 ETH0.001110324.4221441
Bridge ETH To198346172024-05-09 19:36:4710 days ago1715283407IN
0.1 ETH0.000926744.1043217
Bridge ETH To198132792024-05-06 19:58:4713 days ago1715025527IN
0 ETH0.001092685.74907767
Bridge ETH To197578392024-04-29 1:58:4721 days ago1714355927IN
0.005 ETH0.001023755
Deposit ERC20To197517972024-04-28 5:42:1122 days ago1714282931IN
0 ETH0.001273925.1700384
Deposit ERC20To197497582024-04-27 22:50:4722 days ago1714258247IN
0 ETH0.0026856810.25885731
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Latest 25 internal transactions (View All)

Advanced mode:
Parent Transaction Hash Block From To Value
199106662024-05-20 10:53:471 hr ago1716202427
1.143 ETH
199106662024-05-20 10:53:471 hr ago1716202427
1.143 ETH
199105682024-05-20 10:34:112 hrs ago1716201251
199105682024-05-20 10:34:112 hrs ago1716201251
199103562024-05-20 9:51:112 hrs ago1716198671
0.01609 ETH
199103562024-05-20 9:51:112 hrs ago1716198671
0.01609 ETH
199096432024-05-20 7:27:235 hrs ago1716190043
0.017 ETH
199095222024-05-20 7:03:115 hrs ago1716188591
0.06 ETH
199095222024-05-20 7:03:115 hrs ago1716188591
0.06 ETH
199094192024-05-20 6:42:116 hrs ago1716187331
0.159 ETH
199094192024-05-20 6:42:116 hrs ago1716187331
0.159 ETH
199092302024-05-20 6:04:236 hrs ago1716185063
0.0149 ETH
199092302024-05-20 6:04:236 hrs ago1716185063
0.0149 ETH
199092272024-05-20 6:03:476 hrs ago1716185027
0.0149 ETH
199092272024-05-20 6:03:476 hrs ago1716185027
0.0149 ETH
199083772024-05-20 3:12:359 hrs ago1716174755
0.01 ETH
199083772024-05-20 3:12:359 hrs ago1716174755
0.01 ETH
199080472024-05-20 2:06:1110 hrs ago1716170771
0.145 ETH
199080472024-05-20 2:06:1110 hrs ago1716170771
0.145 ETH
199078492024-05-20 1:26:3511 hrs ago1716168395
0.24914 ETH
199078492024-05-20 1:26:3511 hrs ago1716168395
0.24914 ETH
199069552024-05-19 22:26:3514 hrs ago1716157595
0.0004 ETH
199069552024-05-19 22:26:3514 hrs ago1716157595
0.0004 ETH
199069272024-05-19 22:20:5914 hrs ago1716157259
0.009 ETH
199069272024-05-19 22:20:5914 hrs ago1716157259
0.009 ETH
View All Internal Transactions

Similar Match Source Code
This contract matches the deployed Bytecode of the Source Code for Contract 0x2907B87d...52B419900
The constructor portion of the code might be different and could alter the actual behaviour of the contract

Contract Name:

Compiler Version

Optimization Enabled:
Yes with 999999 runs

Other Settings:
default evmVersion
File 1 of 1 : L1ChugSplashProxy.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.15;

 * @title IL1ChugSplashDeployer
interface IL1ChugSplashDeployer {
    function isUpgrading() external view returns (bool);

 * @custom:legacy
 * @title L1ChugSplashProxy
 * @notice Basic ChugSplash proxy contract for L1. Very close to being a normal proxy but has added
 *         functions `setCode` and `setStorage` for changing the code or storage of the contract.
 *         Note for future developers: do NOT make anything in this contract 'public' unless you
 *         know what you're doing. Anything public can potentially have a function signature that
 *         conflicts with a signature attached to the implementation contract. Public functions
 *         SHOULD always have the `proxyCallIfNotOwner` modifier unless there's some *really* good
 *         reason not to have that modifier. And there almost certainly is not a good reason to not
 *         have that modifier. Beware!
contract L1ChugSplashProxy {
     * @notice "Magic" prefix. When prepended to some arbitrary bytecode and used to create a
     *         contract, the appended bytecode will be deployed as given.
    bytes13 internal constant DEPLOY_CODE_PREFIX = 0x600D380380600D6000396000f3;

     * @notice bytes32(uint256(keccak256('eip1967.proxy.implementation')) - 1)
    bytes32 internal constant IMPLEMENTATION_KEY =

     * @notice bytes32(uint256(keccak256('eip1967.proxy.admin')) - 1)
    bytes32 internal constant OWNER_KEY =

     * @notice Blocks a function from being called when the parent signals that the system should
     *         be paused via an isUpgrading function.
    modifier onlyWhenNotPaused() {
        address owner = _getOwner();

        // We do a low-level call because there's no guarantee that the owner actually *is* an
        // L1ChugSplashDeployer contract and Solidity will throw errors if we do a normal call and
        // it turns out that it isn't the right type of contract.
        (bool success, bytes memory returndata) = owner.staticcall(

        // If the call was unsuccessful then we assume that there's no "isUpgrading" method and we
        // can just continue as normal. We also expect that the return value is exactly 32 bytes
        // long. If this isn't the case then we can safely ignore the result.
        if (success && returndata.length == 32) {
            // Although the expected value is a *boolean*, it's safer to decode as a uint256 in the
            // case that the isUpgrading function returned something other than 0 or 1. But we only
            // really care about the case where this value is 0 (= false).
            uint256 ret = abi.decode(returndata, (uint256));
            require(ret == 0, "L1ChugSplashProxy: system is currently being upgraded");


     * @notice Makes a proxy call instead of triggering the given function when the caller is
     *         either the owner or the zero address. Caller can only ever be the zero address if
     *         this function is being called off-chain via eth_call, which is totally fine and can
     *         be convenient for client-side tooling. Avoids situations where the proxy and
     *         implementation share a sighash and the proxy function ends up being called instead
     *         of the implementation one.
     *         Note: msg.sender == address(0) can ONLY be triggered off-chain via eth_call. If
     *         there's a way for someone to send a transaction with msg.sender == address(0) in any
     *         real context then we have much bigger problems. Primary reason to include this
     *         additional allowed sender is because the owner address can be changed dynamically
     *         and we do not want clients to have to keep track of the current owner in order to
     *         make an eth_call that doesn't trigger the proxied contract.
    // slither-disable-next-line incorrect-modifier
    modifier proxyCallIfNotOwner() {
        if (msg.sender == _getOwner() || msg.sender == address(0)) {
        } else {
            // This WILL halt the call frame on completion.

     * @param _owner Address of the initial contract owner.
    constructor(address _owner) {

    // slither-disable-next-line locked-ether
    receive() external payable {
        // Proxy call by default.

    // slither-disable-next-line locked-ether
    fallback() external payable {
        // Proxy call by default.

     * @notice Sets the code that should be running behind this proxy.
     *         Note: This scheme is a bit different from the standard proxy scheme where one would
     *         typically deploy the code separately and then set the implementation address. We're
     *         doing it this way because it gives us a lot more freedom on the client side. Can
     *         only be triggered by the contract owner.
     * @param _code New contract code to run inside this contract.
    function setCode(bytes memory _code) external proxyCallIfNotOwner {
        // Get the code hash of the current implementation.
        address implementation = _getImplementation();

        // If the code hash matches the new implementation then we return early.
        if (keccak256(_code) == _getAccountCodeHash(implementation)) {

        // Create the deploycode by appending the magic prefix.
        bytes memory deploycode = abi.encodePacked(DEPLOY_CODE_PREFIX, _code);

        // Deploy the code and set the new implementation address.
        address newImplementation;
        assembly {
            newImplementation := create(0x0, add(deploycode, 0x20), mload(deploycode))

        // Check that the code was actually deployed correctly. I'm not sure if you can ever
        // actually fail this check. Should only happen if the contract creation from above runs
        // out of gas but this parent execution thread does NOT run out of gas. Seems like we
        // should be doing this check anyway though.
            _getAccountCodeHash(newImplementation) == keccak256(_code),
            "L1ChugSplashProxy: code was not correctly deployed"


     * @notice Modifies some storage slot within the proxy contract. Gives us a lot of power to
     *         perform upgrades in a more transparent way. Only callable by the owner.
     * @param _key   Storage key to modify.
     * @param _value New value for the storage key.
    function setStorage(bytes32 _key, bytes32 _value) external proxyCallIfNotOwner {
        assembly {
            sstore(_key, _value)

     * @notice Changes the owner of the proxy contract. Only callable by the owner.
     * @param _owner New owner of the proxy contract.
    function setOwner(address _owner) external proxyCallIfNotOwner {

     * @notice Queries the owner of the proxy contract. Can only be called by the owner OR by
     *         making an eth_call and setting the "from" address to address(0).
     * @return Owner address.
    function getOwner() external proxyCallIfNotOwner returns (address) {
        return _getOwner();

     * @notice Queries the implementation address. Can only be called by the owner OR by making an
     *         eth_call and setting the "from" address to address(0).
     * @return Implementation address.
    function getImplementation() external proxyCallIfNotOwner returns (address) {
        return _getImplementation();

     * @notice Sets the implementation address.
     * @param _implementation New implementation address.
    function _setImplementation(address _implementation) internal {
        assembly {
            sstore(IMPLEMENTATION_KEY, _implementation)

     * @notice Changes the owner of the proxy contract.
     * @param _owner New owner of the proxy contract.
    function _setOwner(address _owner) internal {
        assembly {
            sstore(OWNER_KEY, _owner)

     * @notice Performs the proxy call via a delegatecall.
    function _doProxyCall() internal onlyWhenNotPaused {
        address implementation = _getImplementation();

        require(implementation != address(0), "L1ChugSplashProxy: implementation is not set yet");

        assembly {
            // Copy calldata into memory at 0x0....calldatasize.
            calldatacopy(0x0, 0x0, calldatasize())

            // Perform the delegatecall, make sure to pass all available gas.
            let success := delegatecall(gas(), implementation, 0x0, calldatasize(), 0x0, 0x0)

            // Copy returndata into memory at 0x0....returndatasize. Note that this *will*
            // overwrite the calldata that we just copied into memory but that doesn't really
            // matter because we'll be returning in a second anyway.
            returndatacopy(0x0, 0x0, returndatasize())

            // Success == 0 means a revert. We'll revert too and pass the data up.
            if iszero(success) {
                revert(0x0, returndatasize())

            // Otherwise we'll just return and pass the data up.
            return(0x0, returndatasize())

     * @notice Queries the implementation address.
     * @return Implementation address.
    function _getImplementation() internal view returns (address) {
        address implementation;
        assembly {
            implementation := sload(IMPLEMENTATION_KEY)
        return implementation;

     * @notice Queries the owner of the proxy contract.
     * @return Owner address.
    function _getOwner() internal view returns (address) {
        address owner;
        assembly {
            owner := sload(OWNER_KEY)
        return owner;

     * @notice Gets the code hash for a given account.
     * @param _account Address of the account to get a code hash for.
     * @return Code hash for the account.
    function _getAccountCodeHash(address _account) internal view returns (bytes32) {
        bytes32 codeHash;
        assembly {
            codeHash := extcodehash(_account)
        return codeHash;

  "remappings": [
  "optimizer": {
    "enabled": true,
    "runs": 999999
  "metadata": {
    "bytecodeHash": "none"
  "outputSelection": {
    "*": {
      "*": [
  "evmVersion": "london",
  "libraries": {}

Contract Security Audit

Contract ABI


Deployed Bytecode


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