ETH Price: $3,067.51 (-0.17%)
Gas: 7 Gwei




ETH Balance


Eth Value


Multichain Info

No addresses found
Transaction Hash
Request Data82788762019-08-03 16:49:521739 days ago1564850992IN
0 ETH0.00074853
0x6080604082655172019-08-01 15:02:551741 days ago1564671775IN
 Create: Tellor
0 ETH0.0130222510

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Optimization Enabled:
No with 200 runs

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default evmVersion, None license

Contract Source Code (Solidity)

 *Submitted for verification at on 2019-08-01

pragma solidity ^0.5.0;

* @title Tellor Transfer
* @dev Contais the methods related to transfers and ERC20. Tellor.sol and TellorGetters.sol
* reference this library for function's logic.
library TellorTransfer {
    using SafeMath for uint256;

    event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value);//ERC20 Approval event
    event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value);//ERC20 Transfer Event

    * @dev Allows for a transfer of tokens to _to
    * @param _to The address to send tokens to
    * @param _amount The amount of tokens to send
    * @return true if transfer is successful
    function transfer(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self, address _to, uint256 _amount) public returns (bool success) {
        doTransfer(self,msg.sender, _to, _amount);
        return true;

    * @notice Send _amount tokens to _to from _from on the condition it
    * is approved by _from
    * @param _from The address holding the tokens being transferred
    * @param _to The address of the recipient
    * @param _amount The amount of tokens to be transferred
    * @return True if the transfer was successful
    function transferFrom(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self, address _from, address _to, uint256 _amount) public returns (bool success) {
        require(self.allowed[_from][msg.sender] >= _amount);
        self.allowed[_from][msg.sender] -= _amount;
        doTransfer(self,_from, _to, _amount);
        return true;

    * @dev This function approves a _spender an _amount of tokens to use
    * @param _spender address
    * @param _amount amount the spender is being approved for
    * @return true if spender appproved successfully
    function approve(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self, address _spender, uint _amount) public returns (bool) {
        require(_spender != address(0));
        self.allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _amount;
        emit Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _amount);
        return true;

    * @param _user address of party with the balance
    * @param _spender address of spender of parties said balance
    * @return Returns the remaining allowance of tokens granted to the _spender from the _user
    function allowance(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self,address _user, address _spender) public view returns (uint) {
       return self.allowed[_user][_spender]; 

    * @dev Completes POWO transfers by updating the balances on the current block number
    * @param _from address to transfer from
    * @param _to addres to transfer to
    * @param _amount to transfer
    function doTransfer(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self, address _from, address _to, uint _amount) public {
        require(_amount > 0);
        require(_to != address(0));
        require(allowedToTrade(self,_from,_amount)); //allowedToTrade checks the stakeAmount is removed from balance if the _user is staked
        uint previousBalance = balanceOfAt(self,_from, block.number);
        updateBalanceAtNow(self.balances[_from], previousBalance - _amount);
        previousBalance = balanceOfAt(self,_to, block.number);
        require(previousBalance + _amount >= previousBalance); // Check for overflow
        updateBalanceAtNow(self.balances[_to], previousBalance + _amount);
        emit Transfer(_from, _to, _amount);

    * @dev Gets balance of owner specified
    * @param _user is the owner address used to look up the balance
    * @return Returns the balance associated with the passed in _user
    function balanceOf(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self,address _user) public view returns (uint) {
        return balanceOfAt(self,_user, block.number);

    * @dev Queries the balance of _user at a specific _blockNumber
    * @param _user The address from which the balance will be retrieved
    * @param _blockNumber The block number when the balance is queried
    * @return The balance at _blockNumber specified
    function balanceOfAt(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self,address _user, uint _blockNumber) public view returns (uint) {
        if ((self.balances[_user].length == 0) || (self.balances[_user][0].fromBlock > _blockNumber)) {
                return 0;
     else {
        return getBalanceAt(self.balances[_user], _blockNumber);

    * @dev Getter for balance for owner on the specified _block number
    * @param checkpoints gets the mapping for the balances[owner]
    * @param _block is the block number to search the balance on
    * @return the balance at the checkpoint
    function getBalanceAt(TellorStorage.Checkpoint[] storage checkpoints, uint _block) view public returns (uint) {
        if (checkpoints.length == 0) return 0;
        if (_block >= checkpoints[checkpoints.length-1].fromBlock)
            return checkpoints[checkpoints.length-1].value;
        if (_block < checkpoints[0].fromBlock) return 0;
        // Binary search of the value in the array
        uint min = 0;
        uint max = checkpoints.length-1;
        while (max > min) {
            uint mid = (max + min + 1)/ 2;
            if (checkpoints[mid].fromBlock<=_block) {
                min = mid;
            } else {
                max = mid-1;
        return checkpoints[min].value;

    * @dev This function returns whether or not a given user is allowed to trade a given amount 
    * and removing the staked amount from their balance if they are staked
    * @param _user address of user
    * @param _amount to check if the user can spend
    * @return true if they are allowed to spend the amount being checked
    function allowedToTrade(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self,address _user,uint _amount) public view returns(bool) {
        if(self.stakerDetails[_user].currentStatus >0){
            //Removes the stakeAmount from balance if the _user is staked
            if(balanceOf(self,_user).sub(self.uintVars[keccak256("stakeAmount")]).sub(_amount) >= 0){
                return true;
        else if(balanceOf(self,_user).sub(_amount) >= 0){
                return true;
        return false;

    * @dev Updates balance for from and to on the current block number via doTransfer
    * @param checkpoints gets the mapping for the balances[owner]
    * @param _value is the new balance
    function updateBalanceAtNow(TellorStorage.Checkpoint[] storage checkpoints, uint _value) public {
        if ((checkpoints.length == 0) || (checkpoints[checkpoints.length -1].fromBlock < block.number)) {
               TellorStorage.Checkpoint storage newCheckPoint = checkpoints[ checkpoints.length++ ];
               newCheckPoint.fromBlock =  uint128(block.number);
               newCheckPoint.value = uint128(_value);
        } else {
               TellorStorage.Checkpoint storage oldCheckPoint = checkpoints[checkpoints.length-1];
               oldCheckPoint.value = uint128(_value);

* @title Tellor Dispute
* @dev Contais the methods related to disputes. Tellor.sol references this library for function's logic.

library TellorDispute {
    using SafeMath for uint256;
    using SafeMath for int256;

    event NewDispute(uint indexed _disputeId, uint indexed _requestId, uint _timestamp, address _miner);//emitted when a new dispute is initialized
    event Voted(uint indexed _disputeID, bool _position, address indexed _voter);//emitted when a new vote happens
    event DisputeVoteTallied(uint indexed _disputeID, int _result,address indexed _reportedMiner,address _reportingParty, bool _active);//emitted upon dispute tally
    event NewTellorAddress(address _newTellor); //emmited when a proposed fork is voted true

    * @dev Helps initialize a dispute by assigning it a disputeId
    * when a miner returns a false on the validate array(in Tellor.ProofOfWork) it sends the
    * invalidated value information to POS voting
    * @param _requestId being disputed
    * @param _timestamp being disputed
    * @param _minerIndex the index of the miner that submitted the value being disputed. Since each official value
    * requires 5 miners to submit a value.
    function beginDispute(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self,uint _requestId, uint _timestamp,uint _minerIndex) public {
        TellorStorage.Request storage _request = self.requestDetails[_requestId];
        //require that no more than a day( (24 hours * 60 minutes)/10minutes=144 blocks) has gone by since the value was "mined"
        require(block.number- _request.minedBlockNum[_timestamp]<= 144);
        require(_request.minedBlockNum[_timestamp] > 0);
        require(_minerIndex < 5);
        //_miner is the miner being disputed. For every mined value 5 miners are saved in an array and the _minerIndex
        //provided by the party initiating the dispute
        address _miner = _request.minersByValue[_timestamp][_minerIndex];
        bytes32 _hash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_miner,_requestId,_timestamp));
        //Ensures that a dispute is not already open for the that miner, requestId and timestamp
        require(self.disputeIdByDisputeHash[_hash] == 0);
        TellorTransfer.doTransfer(self, msg.sender,address(this), self.uintVars[keccak256("disputeFee")]);
        //Increase the dispute count by 1
        self.uintVars[keccak256("disputeCount")] =  self.uintVars[keccak256("disputeCount")] + 1;
        //Sets the new disputeCount as the disputeId
        uint disputeId = self.uintVars[keccak256("disputeCount")];
        //maps the dispute hash to the disputeId
        self.disputeIdByDisputeHash[_hash] = disputeId;
        //maps the dispute to the Dispute struct
        self.disputesById[disputeId] = TellorStorage.Dispute({
            isPropFork: false,
            reportedMiner: _miner,
            reportingParty: msg.sender,
            executed: false,
            disputeVotePassed: false,
            tally: 0
        //Saves all the dispute variables for the disputeId
        self.disputesById[disputeId].disputeUintVars[keccak256("requestId")] = _requestId;
        self.disputesById[disputeId].disputeUintVars[keccak256("timestamp")] = _timestamp;
        self.disputesById[disputeId].disputeUintVars[keccak256("value")] = _request.valuesByTimestamp[_timestamp][_minerIndex];
        self.disputesById[disputeId].disputeUintVars[keccak256("minExecutionDate")] = now + 7 days;
        self.disputesById[disputeId].disputeUintVars[keccak256("blockNumber")] = block.number;
        self.disputesById[disputeId].disputeUintVars[keccak256("minerSlot")] = _minerIndex;
        self.disputesById[disputeId].disputeUintVars[keccak256("fee")]  = self.uintVars[keccak256("disputeFee")];
        //Values are sorted as they come in and the official value is the median of the first five
        //So the "official value" miner is always minerIndex==2. If the official value is being 
        //disputed, it sets its status to inDispute(currentStatus = 3) so that users are made aware it is under dispute
        if(_minerIndex == 2){
            self.requestDetails[_requestId].inDispute[_timestamp] = true;
        self.stakerDetails[_miner].currentStatus = 3;
        emit NewDispute(disputeId,_requestId,_timestamp,_miner);

    * @dev Allows token holders to vote
    * @param _disputeId is the dispute id
    * @param _supportsDispute is the vote (true=the dispute has basis false = vote against dispute)
    function vote(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self, uint _disputeId, bool _supportsDispute) public {
        TellorStorage.Dispute storage disp = self.disputesById[_disputeId];
        //Get the voteWeight or the balance of the user at the time/blockNumber the disupte began
        uint voteWeight = TellorTransfer.balanceOfAt(self,msg.sender,disp.disputeUintVars[keccak256("blockNumber")]);
        //Require that the msg.sender has not voted
        require(disp.voted[msg.sender] != true);
        //Requre that the user had a balance >0 at time/blockNumber the disupte began
        require(voteWeight > 0);
        //ensures miners that are under dispute cannot vote
        require(self.stakerDetails[msg.sender].currentStatus != 3);
        //Update user voting status to true
        disp.voted[msg.sender] = true;
        //Update the number of votes for the dispute
        disp.disputeUintVars[keccak256("numberOfVotes")] += 1;
        //Update the quorum by adding the voteWeight
        disp.disputeUintVars[keccak256("quorum")] += voteWeight; 
        //If the user supports the dispute increase the tally for the dispute by the voteWeight
        //otherwise decrease it
        if (_supportsDispute) {
            disp.tally = disp.tally.add(int(voteWeight));
        } else {
            disp.tally = disp.tally.sub(int(voteWeight));
        //Let the network know the user has voted on the dispute and their casted vote
        emit Voted(_disputeId,_supportsDispute,msg.sender);

    * @dev tallies the votes.
    * @param _disputeId is the dispute id
    function tallyVotes(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self, uint _disputeId) public {
        TellorStorage.Dispute storage disp = self.disputesById[_disputeId];
        TellorStorage.Request storage _request = self.requestDetails[disp.disputeUintVars[keccak256("requestId")]];

        //Ensure this has not already been executed/tallied
        require(disp.executed == false);

        //Ensure the time for voting has elapsed
        require(now > disp.disputeUintVars[keccak256("minExecutionDate")]);  

        //If the vote is not a proposed fork 
        if (disp.isPropFork== false){
        TellorStorage.StakeInfo storage stakes = self.stakerDetails[disp.reportedMiner];  
            //If the vote for disputing a value is succesful(disp.tally >0) then unstake the reported 
            // miner and transfer the stakeAmount and dispute fee to the reporting party 
            if (disp.tally > 0 ) { 

                //Changing the currentStatus and startDate unstakes the reported miner and allows for the
                //transfer of the stakeAmount
                stakes.currentStatus = 0;
                stakes.startDate = now -(now % 86400);

                //Decreases the stakerCount since the miner's stake is being slashed

                //Transfers the StakeAmount from the reporded miner to the reporting party
                TellorTransfer.doTransfer(self, disp.reportedMiner,disp.reportingParty, self.uintVars[keccak256("stakeAmount")]);
                //Returns the dispute fee to the reportingParty
                TellorTransfer.doTransfer(self, address(this),disp.reportingParty,disp.disputeUintVars[keccak256("fee")]);
                //Set the dispute state to passed/true
                disp.disputeVotePassed = true;

                //If the dispute was succeful(miner found guilty) then update the timestamp value to zero
                //so that users don't use this datapoint
                if(_request.inDispute[disp.disputeUintVars[keccak256("timestamp")]] == true){
                    _request.finalValues[disp.disputeUintVars[keccak256("timestamp")]] = 0;

            //If the vote for disputing a value is unsuccesful then update the miner status from being on 
            //dispute(currentStatus=3) to staked(currentStatus =1) and tranfer the dispute fee to the miner
            } else {
                //Update the miner's current status to staked(currentStatus = 1)
                stakes.currentStatus = 1;              
                //tranfer the dispute fee to the miner
                if(_request.inDispute[disp.disputeUintVars[keccak256("timestamp")]] == true){
                    _request.inDispute[disp.disputeUintVars[keccak256("timestamp")]] = false;
        //If the vote is for a proposed fork require a 20% quorum before excecuting the update to the new tellor contract address
        } else {
            if(disp.tally > 0 ){
                require(disp.disputeUintVars[keccak256("quorum")] >  (self.uintVars[keccak256("total_supply")] * 20 / 100));
                self.addressVars[keccak256("tellorContract")] = disp.proposedForkAddress;
                disp.disputeVotePassed = true;
                emit NewTellorAddress(disp.proposedForkAddress);
        //update the dispute status to executed
        disp.executed = true;
        emit DisputeVoteTallied(_disputeId,disp.tally,disp.reportedMiner,disp.reportingParty,disp.disputeVotePassed);

    * @dev Allows for a fork to be proposed
    * @param _propNewTellorAddress address for new proposed Tellor
    function proposeFork(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self, address _propNewTellorAddress) public {
        bytes32 _hash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_propNewTellorAddress));
        require(self.disputeIdByDisputeHash[_hash] == 0);
        TellorTransfer.doTransfer(self, msg.sender,address(this), self.uintVars[keccak256("disputeFee")]);//This is the fork fee
        uint disputeId = self.uintVars[keccak256("disputeCount")];
        self.disputeIdByDisputeHash[_hash] = disputeId;
        self.disputesById[disputeId] = TellorStorage.Dispute({
            hash: _hash,
            isPropFork: true,
            reportedMiner: msg.sender, 
            reportingParty: msg.sender, 
            proposedForkAddress: _propNewTellorAddress,
            executed: false,
            disputeVotePassed: false,
            tally: 0
        self.disputesById[disputeId].disputeUintVars[keccak256("blockNumber")] = block.number;
        self.disputesById[disputeId].disputeUintVars[keccak256("fee")]  = self.uintVars[keccak256("disputeFee")];
        self.disputesById[disputeId].disputeUintVars[keccak256("minExecutionDate")] = now + 7 days;

    * @dev this function allows the dispute fee to fluctuate based on the number of miners on the system.
    * The floor for the fee is 15e18.
    function updateDisputeFee(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self) public {
            //if the number of staked miners divided by the target count of staked miners is less than 1
            if(self.uintVars[keccak256("stakerCount")]*1000/self.uintVars[keccak256("targetMiners")] < 1000){
                //Set the dispute fee at stakeAmt * (1- stakerCount/targetMiners)
                //or at the its minimum of 15e18 
                self.uintVars[keccak256("disputeFee")] = SafeMath.max(15e18,self.uintVars[keccak256("stakeAmount")].mul(1000 - self.uintVars[keccak256("stakerCount")]*1000/self.uintVars[keccak256("targetMiners")])/1000);
                //otherwise set the dispute fee at 15e18 (the floor/minimum fee allowed)
                self.uintVars[keccak256("disputeFee")] = 15e18;

* itle Tellor Dispute
* @dev Contais the methods related to miners staking and unstaking. Tellor.sol 
* references this library for function's logic.

library TellorStake {
    event NewStake(address indexed _sender);//Emits upon new staker
    event StakeWithdrawn(address indexed _sender);//Emits when a staker is now no longer staked
    event StakeWithdrawRequested(address indexed _sender);//Emits when a staker begins the 7 day withdraw period

    * @dev This function stakes the five initial miners, sets the supply and all the constant variables.
    * This function is called by the constructor function on TellorMaster.sol
    function init(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self) public{
        require(self.uintVars[keccak256("decimals")] == 0);
        //Give this contract 6000 Tellor Tributes so that it can stake the initial 6 miners
        TellorTransfer.updateBalanceAtNow(self.balances[address(this)], 2**256-1 - 6000e18);

        // //the initial 5 miner addresses are specfied below
        // //changed payable[5] to 6
        address payable[6] memory _initalMiners = [address(0xE037EC8EC9ec423826750853899394dE7F024fee),
        //Stake each of the 5 miners specified above
        for(uint i=0;i<6;i++){//6th miner to allow for dispute
            //Miner balance is set at 1000e18 at the block that this function is ran

            newStake(self, _initalMiners[i]);

        //update the total suppply
        self.uintVars[keccak256("total_supply")] += 6000e18;//6th miner to allow for dispute
        //set Constants
        self.uintVars[keccak256("decimals")] = 18;
        self.uintVars[keccak256("targetMiners")] = 200;
        self.uintVars[keccak256("stakeAmount")] = 1000e18;
        self.uintVars[keccak256("disputeFee")] = 970e18;
        self.uintVars[keccak256("timeTarget")]= 600;
        self.uintVars[keccak256("timeOfLastNewValue")] = now - now  % self.uintVars[keccak256("timeTarget")];
        self.uintVars[keccak256("difficulty")] = 1;

    * @dev This function allows stakers to request to withdraw their stake (no longer stake)
    * once they lock for withdraw(stakes.currentStatus = 2) they are locked for 7 days before they
    * can withdraw the deposit
    function requestStakingWithdraw(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self) public {
        TellorStorage.StakeInfo storage stakes = self.stakerDetails[msg.sender];
        //Require that the miner is staked
        require(stakes.currentStatus == 1);

        //Change the miner staked to locked to be withdrawStake
        stakes.currentStatus = 2;

        //Change the startDate to now since the lock up period begins now
        //and the miner can only withdraw 7 days later from now(check the withdraw function)
        stakes.startDate = now -(now % 86400);

        //Reduce the staker count
        self.uintVars[keccak256("stakerCount")] -= 1;
        emit StakeWithdrawRequested(msg.sender);

    * @dev This function allows users to withdraw their stake after a 7 day waiting period from request 
    function withdrawStake(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self) public {
        TellorStorage.StakeInfo storage stakes = self.stakerDetails[msg.sender];
        //Require the staker has locked for withdraw(currentStatus ==2) and that 7 days have 
        //passed by since they locked for withdraw
        require(now - (now % 86400) - stakes.startDate >= 7 days);
        require(stakes.currentStatus == 2);
        stakes.currentStatus = 0;
        emit StakeWithdrawn(msg.sender);

    * @dev This function allows miners to deposit their stake.
    function depositStake(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self) public {
      newStake(self, msg.sender);
      //self adjusting disputeFee

    * @dev This function is used by the init function to succesfully stake the initial 5 miners.
    * The function updates their status/state and status start date so they are locked it so they can't withdraw
    * and updates the number of stakers in the system.
    function newStake(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self, address staker) internal {
        require(TellorTransfer.balanceOf(self,staker) >= self.uintVars[keccak256("stakeAmount")]);
        //Ensure they can only stake if they are not currrently staked or if their stake time frame has ended
        //and they are currently locked for witdhraw
        require(self.stakerDetails[staker].currentStatus == 0 || self.stakerDetails[staker].currentStatus == 2);
        self.uintVars[keccak256("stakerCount")] += 1;
        self.stakerDetails[staker] = TellorStorage.StakeInfo({
            currentStatus: 1,
            //this resets their stake start date to today
            startDate: now - (now % 86400)
        emit NewStake(staker);

//Slightly modified SafeMath library - includes a min and max function, removes useless div function
library SafeMath {

  function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    uint256 c = a + b;
    assert(c >= a);
    return c;

  function add(int256 a, int256 b) internal pure returns (int256 c) {
    if(b > 0){
      c = a + b;
      assert(c >= a);
      c = a + b;
      assert(c <= a);


  function max(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    return a > b ? a : b;

  function max(int256 a, int256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    return a > b ? uint(a) : uint(b);

  function min(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    return a < b ? a : b;
  function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    uint256 c = a * b;
    assert(a == 0 || c / a == b);
    return c;

  function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
    assert(b <= a);
    return a - b;

  function sub(int256 a, int256 b) internal pure returns (int256 c) {
    if(b > 0){
      c = a - b;
      assert(c <= a);
      c = a - b;
      assert(c >= a);



 * @title Tellor Oracle Storage Library
 * @dev Contains all the variables/structs used by Tellor

library TellorStorage {
    //Internal struct for use in proof-of-work submission
    struct Details {
        uint value;
        address miner;

    struct Dispute {
        bytes32 hash;//unique hash of dispute: keccak256(_miner,_requestId,_timestamp)
        int tally;//current tally of votes for - against measure
        bool executed;//is the dispute settled
        bool disputeVotePassed;//did the vote pass?
        bool isPropFork; //true for fork proposal NEW
        address reportedMiner; //miner who alledgedly submitted the 'bad value' will get disputeFee if dispute vote fails
        address reportingParty;//miner reporting the 'bad value'-pay disputeFee will get reportedMiner's stake if dispute vote passes
        address proposedForkAddress;//new fork address (if fork proposal)
        mapping(bytes32 => uint) disputeUintVars;
        //Each of the variables below is saved in the mapping disputeUintVars for each disputeID
        //e.g. TellorStorageStruct.DisputeById[disputeID].disputeUintVars[keccak256("requestId")]
        //These are the variables saved in this mapping:
            // uint keccak256("requestId");//apiID of disputed value
            // uint keccak256("timestamp");//timestamp of distputed value
            // uint keccak256("value"); //the value being disputed
            // uint keccak256("minExecutionDate");//7 days from when dispute initialized
            // uint keccak256("numberOfVotes");//the number of parties who have voted on the measure
            // uint keccak256("blockNumber");// the blocknumber for which votes will be calculated from
            // uint keccak256("minerSlot"); //index in dispute array
            // uint keccak256("quorum"); //quorum for dispute vote NEW
            // uint keccak256("fee"); //fee paid corresponding to dispute
        mapping (address => bool) voted; //mapping of address to whether or not they voted

    struct StakeInfo {
        uint currentStatus;//0-not Staked, 1=Staked, 2=LockedForWithdraw 3= OnDispute
        uint startDate; //stake start date

    //Internal struct to allow balances to be queried by blocknumber for voting purposes
    struct  Checkpoint {
        uint128 fromBlock;// fromBlock is the block number that the value was generated from
        uint128 value;// value is the amount of tokens at a specific block number

    struct Request {
        string queryString;//id to string api
        string dataSymbol;//short name for api request
        bytes32 queryHash;//hash of api string and granularity e.g. keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_sapi,_granularity))
        uint[]  requestTimestamps; //array of all newValueTimestamps requested
        mapping(bytes32 => uint) apiUintVars;
        //Each of the variables below is saved in the mapping apiUintVars for each api request
        //e.g. requestDetails[_requestId].apiUintVars[keccak256("totalTip")]
        //These are the variables saved in this mapping:
            // uint keccak256("granularity"); //multiplier for miners
            // uint keccak256("requestQPosition"); //index in requestQ
            // uint keccak256("totalTip");//bonus portion of payout
        mapping(uint => uint) minedBlockNum;//[apiId][minedTimestamp]=>block.number
        mapping(uint => uint) finalValues;//This the time series of finalValues stored by the contract where uint UNIX timestamp is mapped to value
        mapping(uint => bool) inDispute;//checks if API id is in dispute or finalized.
        mapping(uint => address[5]) minersByValue;
        mapping(uint => uint[5])valuesByTimestamp;

    struct TellorStorageStruct {
        bytes32 currentChallenge; //current challenge to be solved
        uint[51]  requestQ; //uint50 array of the top50 requests by payment amount
        uint[]  newValueTimestamps; //array of all timestamps requested
        Details[5]  currentMiners; //This struct is for organizing the five mined values to find the median
        mapping(bytes32 => address) addressVars;
        //Address fields in the Tellor contract are saved the addressVars mapping
        //e.g. addressVars[keccak256("tellorContract")] = address
        //These are the variables saved in this mapping:
            // address keccak256("tellorContract");//Tellor address
            // address  keccak256("_owner");//Tellor Owner address
            // address  keccak256("_deity");//Tellor Owner that can do things at will
        mapping(bytes32 => uint) uintVars; 
        //uint fields in the Tellor contract are saved the uintVars mapping
        //e.g. uintVars[keccak256("decimals")] = uint
        //These are the variables saved in this mapping:
            // keccak256("decimals");    //18 decimal standard ERC20
            // keccak256("disputeFee");//cost to dispute a mined value
            // keccak256("disputeCount");//totalHistoricalDisputes
            // keccak256("total_supply"); //total_supply of the token in circulation
            // keccak256("stakeAmount");//stakeAmount for miners (we can cut gas if we just hardcode it in...or should it be variable?)
            // keccak256("stakerCount"); //number of parties currently staked
            // keccak256("timeOfLastNewValue"); // time of last challenge solved
            // keccak256("difficulty"); // Difficulty of current block
            // keccak256("currentTotalTips"); //value of highest api/timestamp PayoutPool
            // keccak256("currentRequestId"); //API being mined--updates with the ApiOnQ Id
            // keccak256("requestCount"); // total number of requests through the system
            // keccak256("slotProgress");//Number of miners who have mined this value so far
            // keccak256("miningReward");//Mining Reward in PoWo tokens given to all miners per value
            // keccak256("timeTarget"); //The time between blocks (mined Oracle values)
        mapping(bytes32 => mapping(address=>bool)) minersByChallenge;//This is a boolean that tells you if a given challenge has been completed by a given miner
        mapping(uint => uint) requestIdByTimestamp;//minedTimestamp to apiId
        mapping(uint => uint) requestIdByRequestQIndex; //link from payoutPoolIndex (position in payout pool array) to apiId
        mapping(uint => Dispute) disputesById;//disputeId=> Dispute details
        mapping (address => Checkpoint[]) balances; //balances of a party given blocks
        mapping(address => mapping (address => uint)) allowed; //allowance for a given party and approver
        mapping(address => StakeInfo)  stakerDetails;//mapping from a persons address to their staking info
        mapping(uint => Request) requestDetails;//mapping of apiID to details
        mapping(bytes32 => uint) requestIdByQueryHash;// api bytes32 gets an id = to count of requests array
        mapping(bytes32 => uint) disputeIdByDisputeHash;//maps a hash to an ID for each dispute

//Functions for retrieving min and Max in 51 length array (requestQ)
//Taken partly from:

library Utilities{

    * @dev Returns the minimum value in an array.
    function getMax(uint[51] memory data) internal pure returns(uint256 max,uint256 maxIndex) {
        max = data[1];
        for(uint i=1;i < data.length;i++){
            if(data[i] > max){
                max = data[i];
                maxIndex = i;

    * @dev Returns the minimum value in an array.
    function getMin(uint[51] memory data) internal pure returns(uint256 min,uint256 minIndex) {
        minIndex = data.length - 1;
        min = data[minIndex];
        for(uint i = data.length-1;i > 0;i--) {
            if(data[i] < min) {
                min = data[i];
                minIndex = i;

  // /// @dev Returns the minimum value and position in an array.
  // //@note IT IGNORES THE 0 INDEX
  //   function getMin(uint[51] memory arr) internal pure returns (uint256 min, uint256 minIndex) {
  //     assembly {
  //         minIndex := 50
  //         min := mload(add(arr, mul(minIndex , 0x20)))
  //         for {let i := 49 } gt(i,0) { i := sub(i, 1) } {
  //             let item := mload(add(arr, mul(i, 0x20)))
  //             if lt(item,min){
  //                 min := item
  //                 minIndex := i
  //             }
  //         }
  //     }
  //   }

  // function getMax(uint256[51] memory arr) internal pure returns (uint256 max, uint256 maxIndex) {
  //     assembly {
  //         for { let i := 0 } lt(i,51) { i := add(i, 1) } {
  //             let item := mload(add(arr, mul(i, 0x20)))
  //             if lt(max, item) {
  //                 max := item
  //                 maxIndex := i
  //             }
  //         }
  //     }
  //   }


* @title Tellor Getters Library
* @dev This is the getter library for all variables in the Tellor Tributes system. TellorGetters references this 
* libary for the getters logic
library TellorGettersLibrary{
    using SafeMath for uint256;

    event NewTellorAddress(address _newTellor); //emmited when a proposed fork is voted true


    //The next two functions are onlyOwner functions.  For Tellor to be truly decentralized, we will need to transfer the Deity to the 0 address.
    //Only needs to be in library
    * @dev This function allows us to set a new Deity (or remove it) 
    * @param _newDeity address of the new Deity of the tellor system 
    function changeDeity(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self, address _newDeity) internal{
        require(self.addressVars[keccak256("_deity")] == msg.sender);
        self.addressVars[keccak256("_deity")] =_newDeity;

    //Only needs to be in library
    * @dev This function allows the deity to upgrade the Tellor System
    * @param _tellorContract address of new updated TellorCore contract
    function changeTellorContract(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self,address _tellorContract) internal{
        require(self.addressVars[keccak256("_deity")] == msg.sender);
        self.addressVars[keccak256("tellorContract")]= _tellorContract;
        emit NewTellorAddress(_tellorContract);

    /*Tellor Getters*/

    * @dev This function tells you if a given challenge has been completed by a given miner
    * @param _challenge the challenge to search for
    * @param _miner address that you want to know if they solved the challenge
    * @return true if the _miner address provided solved the 
    function didMine(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self, bytes32 _challenge,address _miner) internal view returns(bool){
        return self.minersByChallenge[_challenge][_miner];

    * @dev Checks if an address voted in a dispute
    * @param _disputeId to look up
    * @param _address of voting party to look up
    * @return bool of whether or not party voted
    function didVote(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self,uint _disputeId, address _address) internal view returns(bool){
        return self.disputesById[_disputeId].voted[_address];

    * @dev allows Tellor to read data from the addressVars mapping
    * @param _data is the keccak256("variable_name") of the variable that is being accessed. 
    * These are examples of how the variables are saved within other functions:
    * addressVars[keccak256("_owner")]
    * addressVars[keccak256("tellorContract")]
    function getAddressVars(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self, bytes32 _data) view internal returns(address){
        return self.addressVars[_data];

    * @dev Gets all dispute variables
    * @param _disputeId to look up
    * @return bytes32 hash of dispute 
    * @return bool executed where true if it has been voted on
    * @return bool disputeVotePassed
    * @return bool isPropFork true if the dispute is a proposed fork
    * @return address of reportedMiner
    * @return address of reportingParty
    * @return address of proposedForkAddress
    * @return uint of requestId
    * @return uint of timestamp
    * @return uint of value
    * @return uint of minExecutionDate
    * @return uint of numberOfVotes
    * @return uint of blocknumber
    * @return uint of minerSlot
    * @return uint of quorum
    * @return uint of fee
    * @return int count of the current tally
    function getAllDisputeVars(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self,uint _disputeId) internal view returns(bytes32, bool, bool, bool, address, address, address,uint[9] memory, int){
        TellorStorage.Dispute storage disp = self.disputesById[_disputeId];
        return(disp.hash,disp.executed, disp.disputeVotePassed, disp.isPropFork, disp.reportedMiner, disp.reportingParty,disp.proposedForkAddress,[disp.disputeUintVars[keccak256("requestId")], disp.disputeUintVars[keccak256("timestamp")], disp.disputeUintVars[keccak256("value")], disp.disputeUintVars[keccak256("minExecutionDate")], disp.disputeUintVars[keccak256("numberOfVotes")], disp.disputeUintVars[keccak256("blockNumber")], disp.disputeUintVars[keccak256("minerSlot")], disp.disputeUintVars[keccak256("quorum")],disp.disputeUintVars[keccak256("fee")]],disp.tally);

    * @dev Getter function for variables for the requestId being currently mined(currentRequestId)
    * @return current challenge, curretnRequestId, level of difficulty, api/query string, and granularity(number of decimals requested), total tip for the request 
    function getCurrentVariables(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self) internal view returns(bytes32, uint, uint,string memory,uint,uint){    
        return (self.currentChallenge,self.uintVars[keccak256("currentRequestId")],self.uintVars[keccak256("difficulty")],self.requestDetails[self.uintVars[keccak256("currentRequestId")]].queryString,self.requestDetails[self.uintVars[keccak256("currentRequestId")]].apiUintVars[keccak256("granularity")],self.requestDetails[self.uintVars[keccak256("currentRequestId")]].apiUintVars[keccak256("totalTip")]);

    * @dev Checks if a given hash of miner,requestId has been disputed
    * @param _hash is the sha256(abi.encodePacked(_miners[2],_requestId));
    * @return uint disputeId
    function getDisputeIdByDisputeHash(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self,bytes32 _hash) internal view returns(uint){
        return  self.disputeIdByDisputeHash[_hash];

    * @dev Checks for uint variables in the disputeUintVars mapping based on the disuputeId
    * @param _disputeId is the dispute id;
    * @param _data the variable to pull from the mapping. _data = keccak256("variable_name") where variable_name is 
    * the variables/strings used to save the data in the mapping. The variables names are  
    * commented out under the disputeUintVars under the Dispute struct
    * @return uint value for the bytes32 data submitted
    function getDisputeUintVars(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self,uint _disputeId,bytes32 _data) internal view returns(uint){
        return self.disputesById[_disputeId].disputeUintVars[_data];

    * @dev Gets the a value for the latest timestamp available
    * @return value for timestamp of last proof of work submited
    * @return true if the is a timestamp for the lastNewValue
    function getLastNewValue(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self) internal view returns(uint,bool){
        return (retrieveData(self,self.requestIdByTimestamp[self.uintVars[keccak256("timeOfLastNewValue")]], self.uintVars[keccak256("timeOfLastNewValue")]),true);

    * @dev Gets the a value for the latest timestamp available
    * @param _requestId being requested
    * @return value for timestamp of last proof of work submited and if true if it exist or 0 and false if it doesn't
    function getLastNewValueById(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self,uint _requestId) internal view returns(uint,bool){
        TellorStorage.Request storage _request = self.requestDetails[_requestId]; 
        if(_request.requestTimestamps.length > 0){
            return (retrieveData(self,_requestId,_request.requestTimestamps[_request.requestTimestamps.length - 1]),true);
            return (0,false);

    * @dev Gets blocknumber for mined timestamp 
    * @param _requestId to look up
    * @param _timestamp is the timestamp to look up blocknumber
    * @return uint of the blocknumber which the dispute was mined
    function getMinedBlockNum(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self,uint _requestId, uint _timestamp) internal view returns(uint){
        return self.requestDetails[_requestId].minedBlockNum[_timestamp];

    * @dev Gets the 5 miners who mined the value for the specified requestId/_timestamp 
    * @param _requestId to look up
    * @param _timestamp is the timestamp to look up miners for
    * @return the 5 miners' addresses
    function getMinersByRequestIdAndTimestamp(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self, uint _requestId, uint _timestamp) internal view returns(address[5] memory){
        return self.requestDetails[_requestId].minersByValue[_timestamp];

    * @dev Get the name of the token
    * @return string of the token name
    function getName(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self) internal pure returns(string memory){
        return "Tellor Tributes";

    * @dev Counts the number of values that have been submited for the request 
    * if called for the currentRequest being mined it can tell you how many miners have submitted a value for that
    * request so far
    * @param _requestId the requestId to look up
    * @return uint count of the number of values received for the requestId
    function getNewValueCountbyRequestId(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self, uint _requestId) internal view returns(uint){
        return self.requestDetails[_requestId].requestTimestamps.length;

    * @dev Getter function for the specified requestQ index
    * @param _index to look up in the requestQ array
    * @return uint of reqeuestId
    function getRequestIdByRequestQIndex(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self, uint _index) internal view returns(uint){
        require(_index <= 50);
        return self.requestIdByRequestQIndex[_index];

    * @dev Getter function for requestId based on timestamp 
    * @param _timestamp to check requestId
    * @return uint of reqeuestId
    function getRequestIdByTimestamp(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self, uint _timestamp) internal view returns(uint){    
        return self.requestIdByTimestamp[_timestamp];

    * @dev Getter function for requestId based on the qeuaryHash
    * @param _queryHash hash(of string api and granularity) to check if a request already exists
    * @return uint requestId
    function getRequestIdByQueryHash(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self, bytes32 _queryHash) internal view returns(uint){    
        return self.requestIdByQueryHash[_queryHash];

    * @dev Getter function for the requestQ array
    * @return the requestQ arrray
    function getRequestQ(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self) view internal returns(uint[51] memory){
        return self.requestQ;

    * @dev Allowes access to the uint variables saved in the apiUintVars under the requestDetails struct
    * for the requestId specified
    * @param _requestId to look up
    * @param _data the variable to pull from the mapping. _data = keccak256("variable_name") where variable_name is 
    * the variables/strings used to save the data in the mapping. The variables names are  
    * commented out under the apiUintVars under the requestDetails struct
    * @return uint value of the apiUintVars specified in _data for the requestId specified
    function getRequestUintVars(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self,uint _requestId,bytes32 _data) internal view returns(uint){
        return self.requestDetails[_requestId].apiUintVars[_data];

    * @dev Gets the API struct variables that are not mappings
    * @param _requestId to look up
    * @return string of api to query
    * @return string of symbol of api to query
    * @return bytes32 hash of string
    * @return bytes32 of the granularity(decimal places) requested
    * @return uint of index in requestQ array
    * @return uint of current payout/tip for this requestId
    function getRequestVars(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self,uint _requestId) internal view returns(string memory,string memory, bytes32,uint, uint, uint) {
        TellorStorage.Request storage _request = self.requestDetails[_requestId]; 
        return (_request.queryString,_request.dataSymbol,_request.queryHash, _request.apiUintVars[keccak256("granularity")],_request.apiUintVars[keccak256("requestQPosition")],_request.apiUintVars[keccak256("totalTip")]);

    * @dev This function allows users to retireve all information about a staker
    * @param _staker address of staker inquiring about
    * @return uint current state of staker
    * @return uint startDate of staking
    function getStakerInfo(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self,address _staker) internal view returns(uint,uint){
        return (self.stakerDetails[_staker].currentStatus,self.stakerDetails[_staker].startDate);

    * @dev Gets the 5 miners who mined the value for the specified requestId/_timestamp 
    * @param _requestId to look up
    * @param _timestamp is the timestampt to look up miners for
    * @return address[5] array of 5 addresses ofminers that mined the requestId
    function getSubmissionsByTimestamp(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self, uint _requestId, uint _timestamp) internal view returns(uint[5] memory){
        return self.requestDetails[_requestId].valuesByTimestamp[_timestamp];

    * @dev Get the symbol of the token
    * @return string of the token symbol
    function getSymbol(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self) internal pure returns(string memory){
        return "TT";

    * @dev Gets the timestamp for the value based on their index
    * @param _requestID is the requestId to look up
    * @param _index is the value index to look up
    * @return uint timestamp
    function getTimestampbyRequestIDandIndex(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self,uint _requestID, uint _index) internal view returns(uint){
        return self.requestDetails[_requestID].requestTimestamps[_index];

    * @dev Getter for the variables saved under the TellorStorageStruct uintVars variable
    * @param _data the variable to pull from the mapping. _data = keccak256("variable_name") where variable_name is 
    * the variables/strings used to save the data in the mapping. The variables names are  
    * commented out under the uintVars under the TellorStorageStruct struct
    * This is an example of how data is saved into the mapping within other functions: 
    * self.uintVars[keccak256("stakerCount")]
    * @return uint of specified variable  
    function getUintVar(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self,bytes32 _data) view internal returns(uint){
        return self.uintVars[_data];

    * @dev Getter function for next requestId on queue/request with highest payout at time the function is called
    * @return onDeck/info on request with highest payout-- RequestId, Totaltips, and API query string
    function getVariablesOnDeck(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self) internal view returns(uint, uint,string memory){ 
        uint newRequestId = getTopRequestID(self);
        return (newRequestId,self.requestDetails[newRequestId].apiUintVars[keccak256("totalTip")],self.requestDetails[newRequestId].queryString);

    * @dev Getter function for the request with highest payout. This function is used within the getVariablesOnDeck function
    * @return uint _requestId of request with highest payout at the time the function is called
    function getTopRequestID(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self) internal view returns(uint _requestId){
            uint _max;
            uint _index;
            (_max,_index) = Utilities.getMax(self.requestQ);
             _requestId = self.requestIdByRequestQIndex[_index];

    * @dev Gets the 5 miners who mined the value for the specified requestId/_timestamp 
    * @param _requestId to look up
    * @param _timestamp is the timestamp to look up miners for
    * @return bool true if requestId/timestamp is under dispute
    function isInDispute(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self, uint _requestId, uint _timestamp) internal view returns(bool){
        return self.requestDetails[_requestId].inDispute[_timestamp];

    * @dev Retreive value from oracle based on requestId/timestamp
    * @param _requestId being requested
    * @param _timestamp to retreive data/value from
    * @return uint value for requestId/timestamp submitted
    function retrieveData(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self, uint _requestId, uint _timestamp) internal view returns (uint) {
        return self.requestDetails[_requestId].finalValues[_timestamp];

    * @dev Getter for the total_supply of oracle tokens
    * @return uint total supply
    function totalSupply(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self) internal view returns (uint) {
       return self.uintVars[keccak256("total_supply")];


 * @title Tellor Oracle System Library
 * @dev Contains the functions' logic for the Tellor contract where miners can submit the proof of work 
 * along with the value and smart contracts can requestData and tip miners.
library TellorLibrary{
    using SafeMath for uint256;
    event TipAdded(address indexed _sender,uint indexed _requestId, uint _tip, uint _totalTips);
    event DataRequested(address indexed _sender, string _query,string _querySymbol,uint _granularity, uint indexed _requestId, uint _totalTips);//Emits upon someone adding value to a pool; msg.sender, amount added, and timestamp incentivized to be mined
    event NewChallenge(bytes32 _currentChallenge,uint indexed _currentRequestId,uint _difficulty,uint _multiplier,string _query,uint _totalTips); //emits when a new challenge is created (either on mined block or when a new request is pushed forward on waiting system)
    event NewRequestOnDeck(uint indexed _requestId, string _query, bytes32 _onDeckQueryHash, uint _onDeckTotalTips); //emits when a the payout of another request is higher after adding to the payoutPool or submitting a request
    event NewValue(uint indexed _requestId, uint _time, uint _value,uint _totalTips,bytes32 _currentChallenge);//Emits upon a successful Mine, indicates the blocktime at point of the mine and the value mined
    event NonceSubmitted(address indexed _miner, string _nonce, uint indexed _requestId, uint _value,bytes32 _currentChallenge);//Emits upon each mine (5 total) and shows the miner, nonce, and value submitted
    event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed _previousOwner, address indexed _newOwner);
    event OwnershipProposed(address indexed _previousOwner, address indexed _newOwner);

    /*This is a cheat for demo purposes, will delete upon actual launch*/
/*   function theLazyCoon(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self,address _address, uint _amount) public {
        self.uintVars[keccak256("total_supply")] += _amount;

    * @dev Add tip to Request value from oracle
    * @param _requestId being requested to be mined
    * @param _tip amount the requester is willing to pay to be get on queue. Miners
    * mine the onDeckQueryHash, or the api with the highest payout pool
    function addTip(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self,uint _requestId, uint _tip) public {
        require(_requestId > 0);

        //If the tip > 0 transfer the tip to this contract
        if(_tip > 0){
            TellorTransfer.doTransfer(self, msg.sender,address(this),_tip);

        //Update the information for the request that should be mined next based on the tip submitted
        emit TipAdded(msg.sender,_requestId,_tip,self.requestDetails[_requestId].apiUintVars[keccak256("totalTip")]);

    * @dev Request to retreive value from oracle based on timestamp. The tip is not required to be 
    * greater than 0 because there are no tokens in circulation for the initial(genesis) request 
    * @param _c_sapi string API being requested be mined
    * @param _c_symbol is the short string symbol for the api request
    * @param _granularity is the number of decimals miners should include on the submitted value
    * @param _tip amount the requester is willing to pay to be get on queue. Miners
    * mine the onDeckQueryHash, or the api with the highest payout pool
    function requestData(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self,string memory _c_sapi,string memory _c_symbol,uint _granularity, uint _tip) public {
        //Require at least one decimal place
        require(_granularity > 0);
        //But no more than 18 decimal places
        require(_granularity <= 1e18);
        //If it has been requested before then add the tip to it otherwise create the queryHash for it
        string memory _sapi = _c_sapi;
        string memory _symbol = _c_symbol;
        require(bytes(_sapi).length > 0);
        require(bytes(_symbol).length < 64);
        bytes32 _queryHash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_sapi,_granularity));
        //If this is the first time the API and granularity combination has been requested then create the API and granularity hash 
        //otherwise the tip will be added to the requestId submitted
        if(self.requestIdByQueryHash[_queryHash] == 0){
            uint _requestId=self.uintVars[keccak256("requestCount")];
            self.requestDetails[_requestId] = TellorStorage.Request({
                queryString : _sapi, 
                dataSymbol: _symbol,
                queryHash: _queryHash,
                requestTimestamps: new uint[](0)
            self.requestDetails[_requestId].apiUintVars[keccak256("granularity")] = _granularity;
            self.requestDetails[_requestId].apiUintVars[keccak256("requestQPosition")] = 0;
            self.requestDetails[_requestId].apiUintVars[keccak256("totalTip")] = 0;
            self.requestIdByQueryHash[_queryHash] = _requestId;
            //If the tip > 0 it tranfers the tip to this contract
            if(_tip > 0){
                TellorTransfer.doTransfer(self, msg.sender,address(this),_tip);
            emit DataRequested(msg.sender,self.requestDetails[_requestId].queryString,self.requestDetails[_requestId].dataSymbol,_granularity,_requestId,_tip);
        //Add tip to existing request id since this is not the first time the api and granularity have been requested 

    * @dev This fucntion is called by submitMiningSolution and adjusts the difficulty, sorts and stores the first 
    * 5 values received, pays the miners, the dev share and assigns a new challenge
    * @param _nonce or solution for the PoW  for the requestId
    * @param _requestId for the current request being mined
    function newBlock(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self,string memory _nonce, uint _requestId) internal{
        TellorStorage.Request storage _request = self.requestDetails[_requestId];
            // If the difference between the timeTarget and how long it takes to solve the challenge this updates the challenge 
            //difficulty up or donw by the difference between the target time and how long it took to solve the prevous challenge
            //otherwise it sets it to 1
            int _newDiff = int(self.uintVars[keccak256("difficulty")]) + int(self.uintVars[keccak256("difficulty")]) * (int(self.uintVars[keccak256("timeTarget")]) - int(now - self.uintVars[keccak256("timeOfLastNewValue")]))/100;
            if(_newDiff <= 0){
                self.uintVars[keccak256("difficulty")] = 1;
                self.uintVars[keccak256("difficulty")] = uint(_newDiff);
            //Sets time of value submission rounded to 1 minute
            uint _timeOfLastNewValue =  now - (now % 1 minutes);
            self.uintVars[keccak256("timeOfLastNewValue")] = _timeOfLastNewValue;
            //The sorting algorithm that sorts the values of the first five values that come in
            TellorStorage.Details[5] memory a = self.currentMiners;
            uint i;
            for (i = 1;i <5;i++){
                uint temp = a[i].value;
                address temp2 = a[i].miner;
                uint j = i;
                while(j > 0 && temp < a[j-1].value){
                    a[j].value = a[j-1].value;
                    a[j].miner = a[j-1].miner;   
                    a[j].value = temp;
                    a[j].miner= temp2;
            //Pay the miners
            for (i = 0;i <5;i++){
                TellorTransfer.doTransfer(self,address(this),a[i].miner,5e18 + self.uintVars[keccak256("currentTotalTips")]/5);
            emit NewValue(_requestId,_timeOfLastNewValue,a[2].value,self.uintVars[keccak256("currentTotalTips")] - self.uintVars[keccak256("currentTotalTips")] % 5,self.currentChallenge);
            //update the total supply
            self.uintVars[keccak256("total_supply")] += 275e17;
            //pay the dev-share
            TellorTransfer.doTransfer(self, address(this),self.addressVars[keccak256("_owner")],25e17);//The ten there is the devshare
            //Save the official(finalValue), timestamp of it, 5 miners and their submitted values for it, and its block number
            _request.finalValues[_timeOfLastNewValue] = a[2].value;
            //these are miners by timestamp
            _request.minersByValue[_timeOfLastNewValue] = [a[0].miner,a[1].miner,a[2].miner,a[3].miner,a[4].miner];
            _request.valuesByTimestamp[_timeOfLastNewValue] = [a[0].value,a[1].value,a[2].value,a[3].value,a[4].value];
            _request.minedBlockNum[_timeOfLastNewValue] = block.number;
             //map the timeOfLastValue to the requestId that was just mined
            self.requestIdByTimestamp[_timeOfLastNewValue] = _requestId;
            //add timeOfLastValue to the newValueTimestamps array
            //re-start the count for the slot progress to zero before the new request mining starts
            self.uintVars[keccak256("slotProgress")] = 0;
            uint _topId = TellorGettersLibrary.getTopRequestID(self);
            self.uintVars[keccak256("currentRequestId")] = _topId;
            //if the currentRequestId is not zero(currentRequestId exists/something is being mined) select the requestId with the hightest payout 
            //else wait for a new tip to mine
            if(_topId > 0){
                //Update the current request to be mined to the requestID with the highest payout
                self.uintVars[keccak256("currentTotalTips")] =  self.requestDetails[_topId].apiUintVars[keccak256("totalTip")];
                //Remove the currentRequestId/onDeckRequestId from the requestQ array containing the rest of the 50 requests
                self.requestQ[self.requestDetails[_topId].apiUintVars[keccak256("requestQPosition")]] = 0;
                //unmap the currentRequestId/onDeckRequestId from the requestIdByRequestQIndex
                self.requestIdByRequestQIndex[self.requestDetails[_topId].apiUintVars[keccak256("requestQPosition")]] = 0;
                //Remove the requestQposition for the currentRequestId/onDeckRequestId since it will be mined next
                self.requestDetails[_topId].apiUintVars[keccak256("requestQPosition")] = 0;
                //Reset the requestId TotalTip to 0 for the currentRequestId/onDeckRequestId since it will be mined next
                //and the tip is going to the current timestamp miners. The tip for the API needs to be reset to zero
                self.requestDetails[_topId].apiUintVars[keccak256("totalTip")] = 0;
                //gets the max tip in the in the requestQ[51] array and its index within the array??
                uint newRequestId = TellorGettersLibrary.getTopRequestID(self);
                //Issue the the next challenge
                self.currentChallenge = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_nonce,self.currentChallenge, blockhash(block.number - 1))); // Save hash for next proof
                emit NewChallenge(self.currentChallenge,_topId,self.uintVars[keccak256("difficulty")],self.requestDetails[_topId].apiUintVars[keccak256("granularity")],self.requestDetails[_topId].queryString,self.uintVars[keccak256("currentTotalTips")]);
                emit NewRequestOnDeck(newRequestId,self.requestDetails[newRequestId].queryString,self.requestDetails[newRequestId].queryHash, self.requestDetails[newRequestId].apiUintVars[keccak256("totalTip")]);
                self.uintVars[keccak256("currentTotalTips")] = 0;
                self.currentChallenge = "";

    * @dev Proof of work is called by the miner when they submit the solution (proof of work and value)
    * @param _nonce uint submitted by miner
    * @param _requestId the apiId being mined
    * @param _value of api query
    function submitMiningSolution(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self,string memory _nonce, uint _requestId, uint _value) public{
        //requre miner is staked
        require(self.stakerDetails[msg.sender].currentStatus == 1);

        //Check the miner is submitting the pow for the current request Id
        require(_requestId == self.uintVars[keccak256("currentRequestId")]);
        //Saving the challenge information as unique by using the msg.sender
        require(uint(sha256(abi.encodePacked(ripemd160(abi.encodePacked(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(self.currentChallenge,msg.sender,_nonce))))))) % self.uintVars[keccak256("difficulty")] == 0);
        //Make sure the miner does not submit a value more than once
        require(self.minersByChallenge[self.currentChallenge][msg.sender] == false); 
        //Save the miner and value received
        self.currentMiners[self.uintVars[keccak256("slotProgress")]].value = _value;
        self.currentMiners[self.uintVars[keccak256("slotProgress")]].miner = msg.sender;
        //Add to the count how many values have been submitted, since only 5 are taken per request
        //Update the miner status to true once they submit a value so they don't submit more than once
        self.minersByChallenge[self.currentChallenge][msg.sender] = true;

        emit NonceSubmitted(msg.sender,_nonce,_requestId,_value,self.currentChallenge);
        //If 5 values have been received, adjust the difficulty otherwise sort the values until 5 are received
        if(self.uintVars[keccak256("slotProgress")] == 5) { 

    * @dev Allows the current owner to propose transfer control of the contract to a 
    * newOwner and the ownership is pending until the new owner calls the claimOwnership 
    * function
    * @param _pendingOwner The address to transfer ownership to.
    function proposeOwnership(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self,address payable _pendingOwner) internal {
        require(msg.sender == self.addressVars[keccak256("_owner")]);
        emit OwnershipProposed(self.addressVars[keccak256("_owner")], _pendingOwner);
        self.addressVars[keccak256("pending_owner")] = _pendingOwner;

    * @dev Allows the new owner to claim control of the contract
    function claimOwnership(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self) internal {
        require(msg.sender == self.addressVars[keccak256("pending_owner")]);
        emit OwnershipTransferred(self.addressVars[keccak256("_owner")], self.addressVars[keccak256("pending_owner")]);
        self.addressVars[keccak256("_owner")] = self.addressVars[keccak256("pending_owner")];

    * @dev This function updates APIonQ and the requestQ when requestData or addTip are ran
    * @param _requestId being requested
    * @param _tip is the tip to add
    function updateOnDeck(TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct storage self,uint _requestId, uint _tip) internal {
        TellorStorage.Request storage _request = self.requestDetails[_requestId];
        uint onDeckRequestId = TellorGettersLibrary.getTopRequestID(self);
        //If the tip >0 update the tip for the requestId
        if (_tip > 0){
            _request.apiUintVars[keccak256("totalTip")] = _request.apiUintVars[keccak256("totalTip")].add(_tip);
        //Set _payout for the submitted request
        uint _payout = _request.apiUintVars[keccak256("totalTip")];
        //If there is no current request being mined
        //then set the currentRequestId to the requestid of the requestData or addtip requestId submitted,
        // the totalTips to the payout/tip submitted, and issue a new mining challenge
        if(self.uintVars[keccak256("currentRequestId")] == 0){
            _request.apiUintVars[keccak256("totalTip")] = 0;
            self.uintVars[keccak256("currentRequestId")] = _requestId;
            self.uintVars[keccak256("currentTotalTips")] = _payout;
            self.currentChallenge = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_payout, self.currentChallenge, blockhash(block.number - 1))); // Save hash for next proof
            emit NewChallenge(self.currentChallenge,self.uintVars[keccak256("currentRequestId")],self.uintVars[keccak256("difficulty")],self.requestDetails[self.uintVars[keccak256("currentRequestId")]].apiUintVars[keccak256("granularity")],self.requestDetails[self.uintVars[keccak256("currentRequestId")]].queryString,self.uintVars[keccak256("currentTotalTips")]);
            //If there is no OnDeckRequestId
            //then replace/add the requestId to be the OnDeckRequestId, queryHash and OnDeckTotalTips(current highest payout, aside from what
            //is being currently mined)
            if (_payout > self.requestDetails[onDeckRequestId].apiUintVars[keccak256("totalTip")]  || (onDeckRequestId == 0)) {
                    //let everyone know the next on queue has been replaced
                    emit NewRequestOnDeck(_requestId,_request.queryString,_request.queryHash ,_payout);
            //if the request is not part of the requestQ[51] array
            //then add to the requestQ[51] only if the _payout/tip is greater than the minimum(tip) in the requestQ[51] array
            if(_request.apiUintVars[keccak256("requestQPosition")] == 0){
                uint _min;
                uint _index;
                (_min,_index) = Utilities.getMin(self.requestQ);
                //we have to zero out the oldOne
                //if the _payout is greater than the current minimum payout in the requestQ[51] or if the minimum is zero
                //then add it to the requestQ array aand map its index information to the requestId and the apiUintvars
                if(_payout > _min || _min == 0){
                    self.requestQ[_index] = _payout;
                    self.requestDetails[self.requestIdByRequestQIndex[_index]].apiUintVars[keccak256("requestQPosition")] = 0;
                    self.requestIdByRequestQIndex[_index] = _requestId;
                    _request.apiUintVars[keccak256("requestQPosition")] = _index;
            //else if the requestid is part of the requestQ[51] then update the tip for it
            else if (_tip > 0){
                self.requestQ[_request.apiUintVars[keccak256("requestQPosition")]] += _tip;

 * @title Tellor Oracle System
 * @dev Oracle contract where miners can submit the proof of work along with the value.
 * The logic for this contract is in TellorLibrary.sol, TellorDispute.sol, TellorStake.sol, 
 * and TellorTransfer.sol
contract Tellor{

    using SafeMath for uint256;

    using TellorDispute for TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct;
    using TellorLibrary for TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct;
    using TellorStake for TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct;
    using TellorTransfer for TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct;

    TellorStorage.TellorStorageStruct tellor;

    /*This is a cheat for demo purposes, will delete upon actual launch*/
/*    function theLazyCoon(address _address, uint _amount) public {

    * @dev Helps initialize a dispute by assigning it a disputeId 
    * when a miner returns a false on the validate array(in Tellor.ProofOfWork) it sends the 
    * invalidated value information to POS voting
    * @param _requestId being disputed
    * @param _timestamp being disputed
    * @param _minerIndex the index of the miner that submitted the value being disputed. Since each official value 
    * requires 5 miners to submit a value.
    function beginDispute(uint _requestId, uint _timestamp,uint _minerIndex) external {

    * @dev Allows token holders to vote
    * @param _disputeId is the dispute id
    * @param _supportsDispute is the vote (true=the dispute has basis false = vote against dispute)
    function vote(uint _disputeId, bool _supportsDispute) external {,_supportsDispute);

    * @dev tallies the votes.
    * @param _disputeId is the dispute id
    function tallyVotes(uint _disputeId) external {

    * @dev Allows for a fork to be proposed
    * @param _propNewTellorAddress address for new proposed Tellor
    function proposeFork(address _propNewTellorAddress) external {

    * @dev Add tip to Request value from oracle
    * @param _requestId being requested to be mined
    * @param _tip amount the requester is willing to pay to be get on queue. Miners
    * mine the onDeckQueryHash, or the api with the highest payout pool
    function addTip(uint _requestId, uint _tip) external {

    * @dev Request to retreive value from oracle based on timestamp. The tip is not required to be 
    * greater than 0 because there are no tokens in circulation for the initial(genesis) request 
    * @param _c_sapi string API being requested be mined
    * @param _c_symbol is the short string symbol for the api request
    * @param _granularity is the number of decimals miners should include on the submitted value
    * @param _tip amount the requester is willing to pay to be get on queue. Miners
    * mine the onDeckQueryHash, or the api with the highest payout pool
    function requestData(string calldata _c_sapi,string calldata _c_symbol,uint _granularity, uint _tip) external {

    * @dev Proof of work is called by the miner when they submit the solution (proof of work and value)
    * @param _nonce uint submitted by miner
    * @param _requestId the apiId being mined
    * @param _value of api query
    function submitMiningSolution(string calldata _nonce, uint _requestId, uint _value) external{

    * @dev Allows the current owner to propose transfer control of the contract to a 
    * newOwner and the ownership is pending until the new owner calls the claimOwnership 
    * function
    * @param _pendingOwner The address to transfer ownership to.
    function proposeOwnership(address payable _pendingOwner) external {

    * @dev Allows the new owner to claim control of the contract
    function claimOwnership() external {

    * @dev This function allows miners to deposit their stake.
    function depositStake() external {

    * @dev This function allows stakers to request to withdraw their stake (no longer stake) 
    * once they lock for withdraw(stakes.currentStatus = 2) they are locked for 7 days before they 
    * can withdraw the stake
    function requestStakingWithdraw() external {

    * @dev This function allows users to withdraw their stake after a 7 day waiting period from request 
    function withdrawStake() external {

    * @dev This function approves a _spender an _amount of tokens to use
    * @param _spender address
    * @param _amount amount the spender is being approved for
    * @return true if spender appproved successfully
    function approve(address _spender, uint _amount) external returns (bool) {
        return tellor.approve(_spender,_amount);

    * @dev Allows for a transfer of tokens to _to
    * @param _to The address to send tokens to
    * @param _amount The amount of tokens to send
    * @return true if transfer is successful
    function transfer(address _to, uint256 _amount) external returns (bool) {
        return tellor.transfer(_to,_amount);

    * @notice Send _amount tokens to _to from _from on the condition it
    * is approved by _from
    * @param _from The address holding the tokens being transferred
    * @param _to The address of the recipient
    * @param _amount The amount of tokens to be transferred
    * @return True if the transfer was successful
    function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _amount) external returns (bool) {
        return tellor.transferFrom(_from,_to,_amount);


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