ETH Price: $3,111.22 (+3.78%)
Gas: 5 Gwei


Vesper Finance
Vesper is a platform for easy-to-use Decentralized Finance (DeFi) products. Vesper provides a suite of yield-generating products focused on accessibility, optimization, and longevity.
AddressName Tag Balance Txn Count
0x8d0b8e2b...97eF3e899 Vesper Finance: Collateral Manager0 ETH1
0xa4F1671d...cfcBd0217 Vesper Finance: Controller0 ETH28
0x2C361913...46eb87AbF Vesper Finance: vBetaETH Pool0 ETH66
0x1e860444...387a7097F Vesper Finance: vBetaUSDC Pool0 ETH83
0x74Cc5BC2...A6288a8aF Vesper Finance: vBetaWBTC Pool0 ETH49
0xcA0c34A3...B64014D80 Vesper Finance: vDAI Pool0 ETH365
0x103cc17C...0BBe54D5e Vesper Finance: vETH Token0 ETH6,999

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