ETH Price: $3,073.66 (+2.70%)
Gas: 9 Gwei


Scroll is a security-focused scaling solution for Ethereum, using innovations in scaling design and zero knowledge proofs to build a new layer on Ethereum.
AddressName Tag Balance Txn Count
0xbdA143d4...0D4AE0cBc 256.14919416 ETH121
0xcF289822...E0b4Cfc8f Scroll: Batch Committer55.33328746 ETH178,579
0x356483dC...9886e9074 Scroll: Batch Finalizer38.93035205 ETH178,501
0x0A47CeC6...e5597C310 Scroll: Deployer0.40856966 ETH158
0xF9062b8a...b86ba6253 Scroll: Deployer 20.00080216 ETH42
0x1A658B88...e7dd4aB9C Scroll: L1 14D Timelock0 ETH1
0x0e589392...af10eC4F4 Scroll: L1 1D Timelock0 ETH1

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