ETH Price: $3,113.92 (+3.87%)
Gas: 4 Gwei


Robo-Advisor Yield
RAY connects yield-generating smart contracts with pooled liquidity. It currently supports on-chain lending for the ETH, DAI and USDC tokens on the Compound, dYdX and Dai Savings Rate markets.
AddressName Tag Balance Txn Count
0x3d6fa133...F3b21b6C0 Robo-Advisor Yield: Aave Opportunity0 ETH10
0x759A7286...e2bBbb54A Robo-Advisor Yield: Bzx Opportunity0 ETH1
0xEa5ee32F...08A53dcC1 Robo-Advisor Yield: Compound Opportunity0 ETH21
0xC830217B...36AEa8954 Robo-Advisor Yield: DSR Opportunity0 ETH1
0xEB6394f8...ED5DeeC6e Robo-Advisor Yield: Dydx Opportunity0 ETH8
0x06a5Bf70...f608e6aec Robo-Advisor Yield: Portfolio Manager0.32187561 ETH1,419
AddressName Tag Balance Txn Count

Note : Labels source attribution required if used externally