ETH Price: $3,107.97 (+4.07%)
Gas: 4 Gwei


Reflexer Finance
Reflexer is a platform where anyone can use their crypto collateral to issue non-​pegged stable assets, otherwise called stablecoins.
AddressName Tag Balance Txn Count
0x4678f0a6...3564f3fE4 Maker: Proxy Registry0 ETH86,953
0xE6F5377D...522E16B2B Reflexer Finance: Feed Security Module ETH0 ETH1,948
0xe24F8B30...23636F533 Reflexer Finance: FSM Gov Interface0 ETH4
0x24AcC855...36B1Ae09f Reflexer Finance: GEB Deploy0 ETH19
0x10122261...FC8B09C64 Reflexer Finance: GEB DS Compare0 ETH1
0x9F02ddBF...BD7d72A6D Reflexer Finance: GEB DUMMY RRFM Calculator0 ETH1
0x7Cb548DF...C8B279eC6 Reflexer Finance: GEB ESM0 ETH0

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