ETH Price: $3,108.92 (+3.37%)
Gas: 5 Gwei


Kraken: The power in your hands to buy, sell and trade digital currency.
AddressName Tag Balance Txn Count
0x2910543A...E800A63D2 Kraken1.11166307 ETH54,820
0xAe2D4617...5009c673F Kraken 1039.06852151 ETH982,350
0x43984D57...D80cFC79E Kraken 1144.52235521 ETH11,122
0x66c57bF5...26d691E1F Kraken 12146.53510407 ETH119,506
0xDA9dfA13...6f6EA73Cf Kraken 131,398,923.56462908 ETH495
0xA83B1109...dbd58E09E Kraken 14145.58931281 ETH120,444
0xcE27fC71...5750660Ac Kraken 15124.74221551 ETH17,276

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