ETH Price: $3,062.42 (+2.41%)
Gas: 14 Gwei


Fraud Proof
Contracts that can be used to establish that an invalid state transition occured on a Layer 2 protocol. Families of L2 protocols that rely on fraud proofs include Channels, Plasma, and Optmistic Rollups.
AddressName Tag Balance Txn Count
0x6AD1Dc4a...6f0c8A2D9 Arbitrum One: Challenge0 ETH1
0x4812be53...d2Ba8bB3A Arbitrum One: One Step Proof0 ETH1
0x2DF287A3...60Acd6EC3 Arbitrum One: One Step Proof 20 ETH1
0xcE81E7d0...9DA5e9FD8 Arbitrum One: One Step Proof Hash0 ETH1
0x1E13BB8c...E3935113C Arbitrum: Challenge Factory0 ETH1

Note : Labels source attribution required if used externally