ETH Price: $3,100.52 (+2.91%)
Gas: 6 Gwei


ARCx is a decentralized scoring protocol that powers on-chain identity through the issuance of a DeFi Passport.
AddressName Tag Balance Txn Count
0x1DEBBC50...9c12b07ff ARCx: ARCx Emissions Distributor0 ETH17
0xc434C28D...2337205c1 ARCx: ARCx Guardian DAO0 ETH85
0x859A95b2...0ba34B6E9 ARCx: ARCx Protocol DAO0 ETH65
0x1321f1f1...CCd9bB288 ARCx: ARCx Token0 ETH9,522
0x4317D259...ACA074AE3 ARCx: ARCx Treasury DAO423.41901741 ETH80
0x84EAD9Ce...056b3d8d6 ARCx: cUSDC-STABLEx-CoreProxy0 ETH241
0xd1902581...E5074be8F ARCx: Farm 10 ETH907

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