ETH Price: $3,110.41 (+3.77%)
Gas: 4 Gwei


Alchemix Finance
Alchemix Finance is a future-yield-backed synthetic asset platform and community DAO.
AddressName Tag Balance Txn Count
0xf8317BD5...67540B73B Alchemix Finance: alETH Alchemist0.1473644 ETH7,078
0x062Bf725...385b13b5c Alchemix Finance: alETH Alchemist V20 ETH5,731
0xA3dfCcba...B2879e653 Alchemix Finance: alETH Alchemist Whitelist V20 ETH7
0x9FD9946E...be4cFd4AC Alchemix Finance: alETH Transmuter0 ETH861
0x6d756577...B70160132 Alchemix Finance: alETH Transmuter Vault Adaptor0 ETH1
0x546E6711...10a85B3BC Alchemix Finance: alETH Vault Adaptor0 ETH1
0xc21D353F...2109fe35b Alchemix Finance: alUSD Alchemist0 ETH43,119

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